Cabbage and Egg Delight: A Tasty, Healthy, and Easy Lunch or Dinner Option! – Video

Cabbage and Egg Delight: A Tasty, Healthy, and Easy Lunch or Dinner Option! – Video

Indulge in a delicious and satisfying meal with this easy and healthy recipe for Cabbage with eggs that tastes even better than meat! This recipe combines the hearty flavors of cabbage, potatoes, and caramelized onion with the creamy and savory goodness of eggs, milk, and Gruyère cheese. The addition of fresh thyme adds a burst of aromatic flavor, creating a dish that is both comforting and nutritious. Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch or a fulfilling dinner, this recipe is sure to please your taste buds and leave you feeling satisfied. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to savor the wonderful taste and simplicity of this delightful dish – give it a try today! Bon appétit! 🍽️🥬🥔🍳

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0 Ngrohni 2 lugë gjelle vaj ulliri mbi nxehtësinë mesatare.
0 2 qepë mesatare.
0 Pershendetje te gjitheve! 🥰.
0 skuqni qepën për 4 minuta duke e trazuar herë pas here.
0 Ju uroj një ditë të mbushur me emocione të mira, mendime të gëzuara dhe energji pozitive 🥰.
0 2 thelpinj hudhre.
0 I rregullojmë me kripë dhe piper të zi.
0 Shtoni hudhrën në qepë dhe zvogëloni nxehtësinë në minimum,
0 mbulojeni dhe gatuajeni për 15 minuta, duke e përzier herë pas here.
0 1 lakër e vogël.
0 shtoni lakrën në qepë dhe skuqeni për 15 minuta duke e përzier herë pas here.
0 I rregullojmë me kripë dhe piper të zi.
0 Trumzë e freskët ose 1 lugë e thatë.
0 Lyejmë tavën me 1 lugë gjalpë.
0 Pritini hollë 2 patate të mesme.
0 4 vezë.
0 1/2 filxhan / 120 ml qumësht të plotë.
0 I rregullojmë me kripë dhe piper të zi.
0 1 filxhan / 120 gr djathë Gruyère.
0 Shtoni lakër.
0 Përziejini mirë dhe shtoni sipër patateve.
0 Piqeni në 180°C/360°F për 40 minuta.
0 😍 🤤.
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0 mmm… e shijshme 😋.
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Author Video Description

Cabbage with eggs tastes better than meat! Easy, healthy and very delicious lunch or dinner recipe! Hello Everyone 😘 Today I will share with you very easy and delicious made with cabbage, potatoes, caramelized onion and eggs! Experience the ultimate flavor combo in this mouthwatering cabbage, potato, and caramelized onion recipe! Cabbage has never been more versatile and delicious, allowing you to create a dish that is both hearty and light for any meal. Join me as we explore the incredible taste and simplicity of this delightful recipe perfect for any occasion! Have a delicious day 😋😘

2 tbsp Olive oil
2 Medium onions
2 Garlic cloves
1 small cabbage
Fresh Thyme or 1 tsp dry
Season with Salt and black pepper
4 eggs
1/2 cup / 120 ml whole milk
1 cup / 120g Gruyère cheese
2 Potatoes
1 tsp Butter
Serve with 1 tbsp sour cream (optional)

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Thank you for watching 😘 Have a delicious day 😋

Yours @EssenRecipes

About Essen Recipes

Hi friends, my name is Sophie.
Not everyone in this world loves to cook. However, those who love to cook are really lucky, as are their families. It’s a great experience that makes you happy and makes others happy too. If you enjoy cooking, keep it up. It’s the best feeling ever.

Video “Cabbage with eggs tastes better than meat! Easy, healthy and very delicious lunch or dinner recipe!” was uploaded on 04/09/2024 to Youtube Channel Essen Recipes