Calgary officials declare they are “nearly at full water usage restoration”

Calgary officials declare they are “nearly at full water usage restoration”

Calgary residents can breathe a sigh of relief as Mayor Jyoti Gondek announced that the city is now one step closer to restoring full water usage. After weeks of pleading with citizens to conserve water due to damage to the Bearspaw feeder main, officials have finally given the green light for normal indoor water consumption. The main is now operating at 50% capacity, allowing residents to return to their regular water usage habits.

While indoor water use was never officially restricted, the city urged individuals to be mindful of their consumption to prevent the water supply from running out. Despite the positive news regarding indoor water usage, restrictions on outdoor water use and a fire ban are still in effect as officials continue to monitor the stabilization process of the system. Calgarians are encouraged to ease back into their outdoor water activities as the city works towards restoring full functionality.

This development is a significant milestone for Calgary as it signifies progress towards a return to normalcy. Mayor Gondek expressed her gratitude for the cooperation and understanding of residents during this challenging time. As the city continues to work towards full water restoration, Calgary residents are reminded to stay informed and follow updates from city officials. For more information on the ongoing water repairs and the city’s current status, visit the link provided.

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Video “Calgary officials announce they are “one giant step closer to restoring full water usage” | FULL” was uploaded on 07/02/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News