Calgary water emergency: Outdoor restrictions eased, fire ban lifted.

Calgary water emergency: Outdoor restrictions eased, fire ban lifted.

After weeks of strict outdoor water restrictions and a city-wide fire ban, Calgary residents were relieved to hear the announcement made by city officials during a press conference on Saturday. The water emergency, which was caused by a catastrophic water main break, led to stage 4 outdoor water restrictions and a ban on outdoor fires. However, the situation has now improved, with the city and surrounding area moving down to stage 3.

Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek explained that stage 3 means outdoor taps can be used, with some limitations, and that outdoor pools and spray parks will be operational again soon. This news comes as a relief to many Calgarians who have been dealing with the restrictions during the summer months, especially with temperatures on the rise.

In addition to the easing of restrictions, Calgary Emergency Management Agency Chief Sue Henry announced the deactivation of the Municipal Emergency Plan and the standing down of the Emergency Operations Center. Despite this, Henry stressed that the water teams will continue working around the clock to ensure safe and quality drinking water for residents, as well as focusing on the recovery and restoration of service.

With major updates still to come, Calgary residents can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel as the city works towards a full recovery from the water main break. This announcement brings hope and relief to the community as they look forward to getting back to normalcy.

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Video “Calgary water emergency: City eases outdoor restrictions, lifts fire ban | FULL” was uploaded on 07/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News