The wildfires raging in California have reached unprecedented levels, with firefighters struggling to contain the flames despite their best efforts. Authorities have issued warnings that the fires have reached “zero per cent containment”, leaving thousands of residents in a state of emergency.
The sheer magnitude of the wildfires has stretched the resources of the fire department to the limit, with the biggest wildfire in Los Angeles history proving to be a formidable opponent. Harsh winds and a scarcity of water have only served to exacerbate the situation, making it difficult for firefighters to gain the upper hand.
As a result, around 50,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes, forsaking their belongings and memories as they seek safety from the encroaching flames. Some of California’s most affluent neighborhoods have already succumbed to the fires, leaving devastation in their wake.
With Reeta Chakrabarti at the helm of BBC News at Ten, reporters Emma Vardy and Justin Rowlatt provide firsthand accounts of the unfolding disaster in California. The fires show no sign of abating, leaving residents and firefighters alike on edge as they wait for a resolution to this catastrophic event.
For more updates on the California wildfires and other news stories, visit
Watch the video by BBC News
Video “California wildfires latest: 50,000 flee as blaze spreads with “zero containment” BBC News” was uploaded on 01/09/2025 to Youtube Channel BBC News
poor fire plan and management….
I'd like to know who's responsible for this horrific tragedy?
People who are homeless are not counted among the dead.
sorry for all impacted including all the wildlife, plants and animals or insects!
Its like La Haina, only bigger area.
Well, thats what you get for voting Kamala Toe Haris
Is this usual for winter on the west coast?
Keep voting for idiots kali
Why they nstll inside the house with the dog
Fire at the Disco, Fire at the disco, Fire at the… Taco Bell
These are the same people that supported the destruction of Gazan family homes.
Insane that this is going on clear into January. This is what happens when power lines are strung all over hell.
BBC leading with this story to deflect what they should be leading with the rape gang scandal. They then link it to climate change ignoring the fact that 95% of forest fires in the US and Canada occur on federal managed land, because unlike privately managed land, they do not maintain fire breaks, clear dead wood or carry out controlled burns.
it's all the rich people so i mean they got money, the monitary cost to most of them are expendible, in term of temporary inconvinient it's annoying but i'll be over soon. i live in the area, it's not bad in the main parts, it's only the houses on the hillside $3 millions or more home that are effected.
Please pray 🙏 for everyone, including animals and horses 🐎! We must change ourselves to confront global warming. Start recycling ♻️ any products you can daily, and reduce carbon pollution as much as possible each day! Let’s also pray for all of us—our families, friends, and every living being on this planet 🌎. Each of us can do a little, but if everyone on Earth 🌍 starts today, we can still make a difference. Together, we can help ourselves and our planet! ❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌎
So where do we go from here! Trump said drill baby drill! Are governments around the world doing enough to combat climate change 🤷🏿♂️!??
inside job.
I wanted to highlight that Canada possesses world-class firefighting aircraft, specifically the Canadair CL-415, which are widely regarded for their exceptional capabilities in combating wildfires.
Canada has consistently demonstrated a willingness to assist during international crises, and I am confident that reaching out to them for support would yield a positive response, as it has in the past.
Had enough yet Californians?
Remember those illuminati playing cards from the 90s. One of them has Donald Trumps face with the background in flames. Another card had planes chrash into twin towers. These are the fires of freemasonry.
As long as we keep imprisoning Stop Oil campaigners in the UK, nothing can happen here. We're safe.
It's really tragic. So horrifying. Hope the wind subsides soon. Why aren't neighbouring states sending manpower if LA county is not capable of handling such extent of emergency?
Heart breaking.
Justin needs to clean his shoes before he goes on camera again. Brown shoes with a dark grey suit? What was he thinking?
Looks like it's mostly peaceful fire.
Wall to wall coverage of this story and only 2 confirmed casualties, yet still no mention of the dozens intentionally killed in Gaza yesterday, today, and you can bet tomorrow, too
That's not climate change..that was set…they have lasers that can start fires..they did it in Hawaii…
This is God's punishment for being woke
BBC is a terrorist organization
I want this don’t come here
Waking up this morning after a few hours sleep keeping up to date on these devastating fires bringing back so many horrific memories of our own HELL here in Australia 🇦🇺💔 please to all be safe and your brothers here in Australia are thinking of you ❤️
It just come here the house will get restored and where we we we can where we can go now Isn’t nowhere to go I will get some Camas nowhere
Can't take the speaker seriously at all with the sign-language lady making silly faces the whole time.
2.20 Take a moment just to think how absolutely terrifying that must be for those residents trapped inside that burning house with the tv on while seeing basically the full state of California is a raging inferno and the odds of the fire dept coming to save you is virtually zero due to there not being enough of them to deal with all of this. Talk about hell on earth man !!
Climate change operatives on overtime?
Looking more like Gaza?
How the hell you get wildfires in winter
A graph that shows when they stopped managing the forests is "climate change" gtfoh!
No problem at all folks Donald is on his way with some crying towels and some rakes. It’s your fault for not keeping the forest raking up.🇺🇸
OMG this is NO change climat !!!!
Probably because of all their EV's!
It’s gods judgement on America.
Africa is poor
God saves America from fire and Trump.
Ako bi *Andromeda* (M31) naišla na *crnu rupu* između nje i **Mliječne staze**, to bi imalo značajne posljedice na njen **put prema Mliječnoj stazi**. Ovisno o lokaciji crne rupe i njezinoj masi, gravitacijski utjecaj koji bi ona imala mogao bi značajno promijeniti kretanje Andromede, pa čak i dovesti do njezine **potpune distorzije ili preusmjeravanja**.
Pogledajmo nekoliko scenarija u kojima bi crna rupa mogla igrati ključnu ulogu u dinamici galaksija:
### *1. Gravitacijski utjecaj crne rupe na Andromedu*
Crne rupe imaju izuzetno snažna **gravitacijska polja**, posebno u njihovim **blizinama**. Ako bi Andromeda naišla na crnu rupu koja se nalazi na njezinu putu prema Mliječnoj stazi, nekoliko mogućnosti bi se mogle dogoditi:
– **Utjecaj na putanju Andromede**: Ako bi crna rupa bila dovoljno **blizu Andromedi**, njezina gravitacija mogla bi uzrokovati **promjenu putanje Andromede**. Ovisno o tome kako se Andromeda približava crnoj rupi, ona bi mogla biti privučena prema njoj, što bi moglo uzrokovati da **skrene s originalne putanje prema Mliječnoj stazi**. Gravitacijski učinak crne rupe mogao bi "preusmjeriti" Andromedu u drugi smjer.
– *"Sudar" s crnom rupom**: Ako bi Andromeda bila dovoljno blizu crne rupe, mogla bi biti **u njenom gravitacijskom "hvataču"* (takozvana *neizbježna gravitacijska silnica**), što bi dovelo do njenog **usisavanja* u crnu rupu. To bi izazvalo dramatičan gubitak materijala iz galaksije, a struktura galaksije bi se značajno promijenila.
### *2. Posljedice za galaktičku dinamiku*
Crne rupe u galaksijama obično imaju značajan utjecaj na **gravitacijsku dinamiku galaksije**. Ako bi Andromeda naišla na crnu rupu, to bi imalo učinke na cijeli sustav:
– **Izvori energije**: Kada materija padne u crnu rupu, oslobađa veliku količinu energije, koja može uzrokovati **aktivnost u središtu galaksije**. Taj proces oslobađanja energije, poznat kao **akrecijska disk**, mogao bi uzrokovati emitiranje snažnog **elektromagnetskog zračenja**, što bi moglo utjecati na okoliš galaksije.
– **Distorzija galaktičke strukture**: Ako bi crna rupa usisavala dio Andromede, moglo bi doći do **distorzije galaktičke strukture**, poput promjena u obliku galaksije, smanjenja mase galaksije ili čak uništavanja dijelova galaksije.
### *3. Gravitacijski "leća" i zakrivljenje svjetlosti*
Jedan od fascinantnih efekata crnih rupa je njihova sposobnost da koriste *gravitacijsko lečenje* kako bi zakrivili prostor-vrijeme i čak **pomaknuli putanju svjetlosti**. Ovisno o tome koliko blizu crna rupa nalazi Andromedu, mogla bi uzrokovati **gravitacijsko lečenje**, što znači da bi svjetlost koja putuje prema Andromedi ili kroz nju mogla biti zakrivljena ili čak potpuno preusmjerena. Ovo bi moglo imati značajan utjecaj na našu sposobnost da promatramo Andromedu i njezinu kretanje.
### *4. Crna rupa između Andromede i Mliječne staze*
Ako bi crna rupa bila **između Andromede i Mliječne staze**, njen utjecaj na kretanje Andromede ovisio bi o nekoliko čimbenika:
– *Lokacija crne rupe**: Ako bi crna rupa bila **blizu Andromede**, a udaljena od Mliječne staze, mogla bi usmjeriti Andromedu prema sebi, čineći njezin put prema Mliječnoj stazi još složenijim. Na drugoj strani, ako bi crna rupa bila bliže Mliječnoj stazi, mogla bi imati **manji utjecaj* na Andromedu, ali bi mogla utjecati na kretanje **Mliječne staze**.
– *Masivnost crne rupe**: Ako je crna rupa **supermasivna* (poput one koja se nalazi u središtu galaksije), njezin gravitacijski utjecaj bi bio **izuzetno snažan**, a Andromeda bi mogla biti značajno skrenuta s njezine putanje. Ako bi crna rupa bila **manja**, njezin utjecaj na kretanje galaksija bio bi manji, ali još uvijek prisutan.
### *5. Dugoročni učinci za sudar galaksija*
Ako bi Andromeda naišla na crnu rupu dok se približava Mliječnoj stazi:
– *Odgoda sudara**: Moguće je da bi gravitacijski učinak crne rupe mogao uzrokovati **odgodu sudara* između Andromede i Mliječne staze. Na primjer, ako bi crna rupa preusmjerila Andromedu na neki drugi put, sudar između Andromede i Mliječne staze mogao bi se dogoditi kasnije ili u potpuno različitim uvjetima.
– **Promjena dinamike sudara**: Ako bi crna rupa promijenila putanju Andromede, to bi moglo utjecati na način na koji se galaksije međusobno sudaraju i integriraju. Gravitacijski učinci crne rupe mogli bi dramatično promijeniti putanje zvijezda i plina unutar galaksija, stvarajući nesigurnosti u vezi s krajnjim oblikom galaktičkog sudara.
### *Zaključak*
Ako bi *Andromeda* naišla na *crnu rupu* na svom putu prema *Mliječnoj stazi**, to bi moglo imati značajne posljedice na njezino **kretanje i dinamiku**. U najgorem slučaju, Andromeda bi mogla biti **preusmjerena* ili čak *usisavana* od strane crne rupe, što bi moglo dramatično promijeniti predviđeni sudar između Andromede i Mliječne staze. Gravitacijski učinci crne rupe također bi mogli dovesti do *distorzije* galaktičke strukture, a na duže staze bi imali učinak na cijelu **Lokalnu grupu galaksija**.
Međutim, bez obzira na ove potencijalne utjecaje, važno je napomenuti da su crne rupe u galaksijama često **smještene u njihovim središtima**, pa je vrlo malo vjerojatno da bi crna rupa na putu između Andromede i Mliječne staze imala izravan učinak na galaksije u njihovim putanjama. No, u slučaju da bi crna rupa bila prisutna, njezin gravitacijski učinak mogao bi imati dugoročne posljedice na kretanje galaksija.
The judgement of Yeshua Ben Joseph has begun and no stone will be left unturned only righteousness and holiness shall prevail
For one year and half the United States supported the sioniste entity bombing Palestinians and destroying their homes