Call for investigation into unlawful killings along Bangladesh border

Call for investigation into unlawful killings along Bangladesh border

Bangladesh border killings: Activists are calling for a thorough investigation into the alleged unlawful killings by India’s Border Security Force. The video footage shows graphic scenes of violence, with claims that innocent civilians were brutally shot and killed by Indian border guards.

Rights activists are urging the government of Bangladesh to take action and file a case against the Border Security Force with the International Criminal Court. They argue that these killings are a violation of international human rights laws and must be thoroughly investigated.

The issue of border killings has long been a point of contention between India and Bangladesh, with reports of similar incidents happening frequently along the shared border. Despite promises from both governments to address the issue, little progress has been made in preventing further loss of lives.

The activists are calling for accountability and justice for the victims and their families. They are demanding a transparent and impartial investigation into these killings, with those responsible held accountable for their actions.

The video serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing human rights abuses happening at the border and the urgent need for action to put an end to these senseless killings. The voices of the victims must be heard, and justice must be served.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “Bangladesh border killings: Activists urge for inquiry into unlawful killings” was uploaded on 09/29/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English