“Callaghan et le Code Secret” is a thrilling action-comedy film directed by Willy Rozier. The story follows private investigator Slim Callaghan and his assistant Nicholls as they are tasked with investigating the theft of ultra-secret military documents from a British laboratory. The duo sets out to track down the culprits, leading them to the sunny shores of the French Riviera.
Starring Tony Wright, Magali Vendeuil, and Robert Berri, the film seamlessly blends elements of comedy, thriller, and action to create an engaging and suspenseful narrative. The screenplay, written by Peter Cheyney, Willy Rozier, and Jacques Vilfrid, keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Callaghan and Nicholls navigate through a web of deceit and danger.
Set in 1955, “Callaghan et le Code Secret” offers a glimpse into the glamorous and mysterious world of espionage, with a touch of humor to lighten the mood. With subtitles available, this full-length film is sure to captivate audiences with its exciting plot, dynamic performances, and picturesque French setting. Don’t miss out on this classic piece of cinema that will leave you guessing until the very end.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “Callaghan et le Code Secret (Action, Comédie, Thriller) Film Complet en français” was uploaded on 10/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
Votre chaîne est une source d'inspiration et de plaisir. Continuez, vous faites du bon travail !☝️😎🐹
Combien yen as dans la filmographie . J'en ai vu 2 !
J'aimerais voir le film GRANDE SLALOM PER UNA RAPINA de 1972 Thriller avec JEAN-Claude Killy Grand skieur de ces années-là ! Merci
une pépite, dans l'esprit des pieds nickelés, branquignolles et autres amuseurs ! un superbe
nanar vintage sans prétention mais avec du talent ! pijot 203, tractions, et petites pépées !
Balang riverside watching
Îmi place filmele vechi au mult farmec cele din ziua de azi sunt prea acre 😂felicitări pentru postare mulțumesc pentru subtitrare în limba română ❤🎉
🍒 Mimi la p'tite française 😂