As US universities face budget constraints and hiring freezes due to cuts in education funding under the Trump administration, German universities and research institutions are presented with a unique opportunity to attract American researchers.
In a video titled “Can Germany attract US researchers?” by DW News, economist Monika Schnitzer discusses the potential for German academia to entice academics and scientists from across the pond. With the uncertainty and challenges facing the US higher education system, Germany can provide a stable and thriving environment for researchers looking to further their careers.
German universities are known for their strong research programs and cutting-edge facilities, making them an attractive option for researchers seeking new opportunities. Additionally, Germany’s commitment to funding education and research can offer a more secure and supportive environment for academics compared to the current situation in the US.
By capitalizing on the struggles facing American universities, German institutions have the chance to bolster their research programs and attract top talent from around the world. With the potential for collaboration and innovation, this exchange of researchers could benefit both countries in the long run.
Overall, the video highlights the potential for Germany to become a hub for international researchers seeking new opportunities and a more stable academic environment amid the challenges facing the US education system.
Watch the video by DW News
Video “Can Germany attract US researchers? | DW News” was uploaded on 03/26/2025 to Youtube Channel DW News
Let’s not forget about spending efforts on creating our own AI, surely this is the reason the State has cut funding on education.
no. take a look at your documentary about max planck institute as well as "if you are not speaking german as good as german then you are going to be discriminated" law among your people.
Je suis votre sœur en Dieu. Par Dieu, je n'ai écrit ces mots que par détresse et par des circonstances difficiles. Moi, ma mère et mes frères mourons de faim. Je le demande à Dieu et ensuite à vous. Ne me rejette pas déçu. Dieu nous suffit, et Il est le meilleur arrangeur des affaires pour ceux qui nous ont amenés à cet état. Ô peuple, ô nation de Mahomet, vos cœurs sont devenus dépourvus de miséricorde, de pitié ou de compassion. . Humanité, combien je me suis plaint et combien j'ai pleuré, combien j'ai appelé et combien j'ai supplié, mais il n'y a pas de vie pour laquelle vous appelez. Cela vous plaira-t-il ? Mes frères pleurent et meurent. De la faim pendant que vous êtes là, Dieu sait que Dieu, le Très-Haut, le Grand, sait que nous n'avons même pas la valeur d'un kilo de farine. Mon père est mort et mes frères sont jeunes, je le jure devant Dieu. Livre de Dieu que je ne mentirai pas, ni n'escroquerai, ni ne tromperai, ô frères. Rien n'y est entré en nous ni en nous. Ô personne, que Dieu vous récompense par de bonnes actions, ô philanthrope. Je le confie à Dieu, alors à vous, ô peuple de bonté, soyez avec nous, ô monde, ressentez pour nous, ô peuple de bonté, où est la chevalerie, où est la fraternité, où est la miséricorde à laquelle le Prophète Mahomet a enjoint pour le bien du Prophète Mahomet, ressentez pour nous, je vous demande de m'aider, même si c'est pour le prix de la nourriture, ce n'est pas moi qui le demande. autre chose que d'apaiser notre faim, s'il vous plaît, sans m'insulter ni me briser le cœur, je vis, mes frères, par Dieu. Je vis en vous, soyez assuré, ô gens de bonté, je vous en prie, aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît. pour la détresse et la pauvreté, je n'aurais tendu la main à personne parmi le peuple. Voyez-moi, je couvrirai votre honneur. Que Dieu vous rende heureux avec vos enfants et votre famille et vous éloigne de la détresse et de la tristesse. cette aide dans l'équilibre de vos bonnes actions. Aidez-moi, que ce soit avec le prix de la nourriture ou le prix du loyer de la maison, s'il vous plaît. Oh mes frères, oh gens de bonne conscience, oh gens de fraternité et de générosité, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît si ce n'est qu'un peu ma confiance en vous, et quiconque veut contribuer avec moi, que Dieu le récompense de tout le meilleur. est mon numéro WhatsApp. Celui qui peut nous aider, atteint notre numéro WhatsApp 𝟎𝟎𝟗𝟔𝟕𝟕𝟏𝟓𝟑𝟑𝟏𝟗𝟒𝟖 avec nous. Nous lui donnons le nom complet et l'adresse et il nous transfère autant qu'il le peut. Ma famille et moi vous demandons, par Dieu, si vous le pouvez. pour ce faire, contactez-nous. N'hésitez pas à nous aider et nous vous récompenserons. Que Dieu te récompenseπ÷~π~÷~~÷π~÷~π~÷~√π~,……………..،..،.،…،..،.،.▫💔^__π=😭😭💔||💔|💔|▫▫|☪☪..،.،…….،،…،,`○•“○“●`●`●` ●`●~😢😊😢😊😢😊😢😊😢😢😊😢😢😊😢😊😢😢😊😢😢
Wishful thinking by the Europeans.
The stonewall Auslanderbehorde and the academic scandals recently will divert these researchers to other countries
lol research in the USA is getting more difficult 😂, research in pseudo science in the USA is getting more difficult
Germany is a semi authoritarian country, watch 60 minutes interview, bad choice moving there.
I have a chemistry degree from CalPoly, and I feel surrounded by incompetence. Help!
As a PhD student, a resounding yes. Whatever you do, do not do not charge them five times the amount of tuition of home students like the UK…also why I'm leaving the latter country back to the US because it has become extremely cost-prohibitive…
Do we trust that American researchers won't be secretly sharing their findings with the US?
It is a very important point and gains valuable grounds in the fields of research in all the fields. Coming up with generous and attractive packages will attract good brains and this should be a combined effort of EU
The Irony of German scientists being booted from Germany before and during WW2 helping the US become a super power and now the US is booting them out. Not all German of course… I know.
Germany has no money to pay for more researchers
There was a time when the US benefitted from researchers fleeing Germany….the tide seems to be turning 80 years later.
America has been stealing European science and technology for 150 years, time to shut that door.
Great idea. And yet what does the far right say about this and would researchers be protected against discrimination ?There is a serious problem in Germany at the moment with violence against foreigners
Researchers need friendly people… small talk…smiley faces… sorry Germany
What research
Read mileswmatthis
Be more flexible with English in public offices first, as a new student/researcher just registering your address is a nightmare. on the other hand nordic countries are a good example of more welcoming environment for new comers
What wishful thinking. As if the situation in Germany is any better than the US.
Dream On. All the talent is leaving Germany and heading to the U.S.
Yes, but at salary levels twice what is seen in Europe.
Huge language barrier in Germany!
The question is…how will Germany manage the supremacy ideology in Planck institutes? The problem/issue is still existent.
Homicide rate in the US is 5.7, in Germany it is 0.8. Some european countries are even lower. Scientists are smart. Do they want to end up in a mass shooting in a shopping mall or see their kids killed in a school shooting ? US economy is almost in recession. The political system is unstable and heading towards a dictatorship like Turkey. Health care and education are expensive. Universities are being bullied by ideologues obsessed by race, DEI and „woke“. Scientist can reach conclusions without watching yt videos.
Anybody in the economic development industry will tell you that a government can spend billions and billions and billions, but it won’t work if people don’t want to move there. European talent, particularly Germans, are leaving the country and following German businesses to the United States. They’re moving there because of lower energy costs, less regulation and frankly a lot more opportunity
Anybody in the economic development industry will tell you that a government can spend billions and billions and billions, but it won’t work if people don’t want to move there. European talent, particularly Germans, are leaving the country and following German businesses to the United States. They’re moving there because of lower energy costs, less regulation and frankly a lot more opportunity
Anybody in the economic development industry will tell you that a government can spend billions and billions and billions, but it won’t work if people don’t want to move there. European talent, particularly Germans, are leaving the country and following German businesses to the United States. They’re moving there because of lower energy costs, less regulation and frankly a lot more opportunity
Anybody in the economic development industry will tell you that a government can spend billions and billions and billions, but it won’t work if people don’t want to move there. European talent, particularly Germans, are leaving the country and following German businesses to the United States. They’re moving there because of lower energy costs, less regulation and frankly a lot more opportunity
All the smart people live in Austria and do the work there because Germany has too many barriers
Germany is going to have to try REALLY HARD to get the US researchers to help the EU. Whether we like this or not, it's just how it is.
Def a pay cut but might be rewarding.