Can Paris break the trend of the Olympics being an environmental disaster?

Can Paris break the trend of the Olympics being an environmental disaster?

The Olympics are known for bringing the world together in a celebration of sport and unity. However, one aspect of the Games that often goes overlooked is the environmental impact they have. Historically, the Olympics have been labeled as an environmental disaster due to the large amounts of greenhouse gases produced during the event.

With the upcoming Paris Olympics, organizers have pledged to make the event “historic for the climate”. Their ambitious goal is to generate no more than half the planet-warming gases produced by recent Summer Games in London and Rio. This commitment includes slashing emissions in three main categories: construction, transportation, and operations.

But how is Paris faring in comparison to its predecessors? Can a global event like the Olympics ever truly be sustainable? These are the questions that remain at the forefront as the world eagerly awaits the Paris Olympics.

The efforts being made by the Paris Olympic committee are commendable, as they strive to set a new standard for environmentally friendly events. From utilizing eco-friendly construction materials to implementing green transportation options, Paris is taking steps in the right direction towards a more sustainable Olympics.

While the road to a truly sustainable Olympics may be long and challenging, the commitment shown by Paris gives hope that change is possible. As the world looks towards the Paris Olympics, we can only hope that it will indeed be the exception when it comes to environmental impact.

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Video “The Olympics are usually an environmental disaster. Can Paris be the exception? • FRANCE 24” was uploaded on 07/25/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English