Liberal Leader Mark Carney has triggered a federal election for April 28, after asking Governor General Mary Simon to dissolve Parliament. In a statement, Carney emphasized the need for a “strong, positive mandate” from Canadians as the country faces challenges in the wake of trade disputes with the U.S. He condemned President Trump’s actions, stating that Canada will not allow its sovereignty to be threatened or compromised.
Carney also addressed the issue of immigration, noting a post-pandemic influx of people to Canada. He acknowledged shortcomings in housing and education for newcomers, leading to the implementation of caps on immigration. The Liberal Leader emphasized the need to expand housing options before lifting these restrictions.
This announcement comes amidst growing tension between Canada and the U.S., with trade disputes and sovereignty concerns at the forefront. Carney’s call for a strong mandate reflects his commitment to building a resilient economy and ensuring the security of Canada in the face of external pressures.
For more information on this story, you can visit the Global News website. Stay tuned for updates as Canada prepares for the upcoming federal election on April 28.
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Video “Carney triggers federal election for April 28, asks Canadians for “strong, positive mandate” | FULL” was uploaded on 03/23/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
We need change, and this guy is not change. he is a continuation of the past 10 years. He was Trudeau's closest advisor for at least the past 5 years. He rallied against Canadian pipelines he now suddenly thinks we need to build. He believe so much in Canada he only recently moved his business out of Canada to the US, and lied about it. He is a snake, a run of the mill liberal corrupt snake. WE NEED CHANGE …. WE NEED A NEW GOVERNMENT, NOT A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT>
betcha when Carney loses he will be gone! he will not be the leader of the opposition party because there will be no way to swindle millions with his net zero WEF agenda!
Voting the same party for a 4th term and expecting different results is called stupidity. Carney did nothing for Canada during Trudeaus time and it will be no different if he is elected. Pierre for PM! By voting Carney, you are committing suicide and are asking for 51st state!
Mes très chers, amis, canadiens! Be careful with election interference from the South!! we are paying the price for ignoring the warning
Mark Carney is the best option for Canadá 🇨🇦💪
Canada has been far too trusting, placing blind faith in our neighbor—only to see that loyalty repaid with betrayal. But now, the time for awakening has come. With the second-largest landmass in the world and an abundance of natural resources, Canada has never needed to depend on anyone for its growth and prosperity. Yet, we have never fully realized the immense potential of this great land. If small nations in Asia and Europe—without vast land or natural wealth—can rise to become global leaders in development, then why not Canada? Why should a country blessed with boundless resources, a strong people, and an unshakable spirit remain anything less than a true superpower? Under the leadership of Mark Carney, Canada can chart a bold new course, breaking free from outdated dependencies and seizing control of its own destiny. The unjust tariff hikes and blatant threats to our sovereignty serve as a wake-up call. Canada must stand united, harness its full strength, and forge its own destiny. With determination, vision, and a commitment to principles and the rule of law, we can transform Canada into the wealthiest, most powerful nation on Earth—one that commands respect, attracts the brightest minds and the most ambitious investors, and becomes the envy of the world. The future is ours to claim. It is time to rise.
I will never vote for a person who is so strongly supported by the far-right extremists Diagolon – there's a reason an extremist group wants Poilievre in power and it's not to look out for your best interests. Diagolon are incredibly confident they not only control Poilievre but can control the average conservative through Poilievre. Poilievre not only visits them regularly, but they fundraise for him. The last thing Canada needs is an extremist group, who wants separation from Canada, pulling the strings of government. A vote for Poilievre is a vote for annexation.
He's got my vote.
Liberals offer tax cuts to the taxes they imposed….. absolutely ridiculous 🙄… talk about creating the problem to create the solution… sadly people are gullible enough to fall for such 2 faced shenanigans.
Mark going to sell
Us out to trump!!!
Only a
Strong leader like Pierre is a fit for Canada
Maga mark is a sell out
He's a fraud! Cant tell truth.
All hail Trudeau 2.0 …
Here’s a breakdown of the cost of regular gas in Metro Vancouver based on the price of about $2.08 cents per litre:
Taxes: 65 cents
The taxes are comprised of:
• Motor fuel tax: 1.75 cents goes to provincial general revenue.
• Motor fuel tax: 6.75 cents goes to the B.C. Transportation Financing Authority.
• TransLink: 18.5 cents. This transit tax covers Metro north to Lions Bay, west including Bowen Island, south to the U.S.-Canada border
• Carbon tax: 17.61 cents. On April 1, 2024, the provincial carbon tax went up from $65 a tonne to $80 a tonne, which translated to an extra 3.3 cents a litre.
• Federal excise tax: 10 cents. The federal government charges a flat rate of 10 cents a litre, which has been frozen at this rate since 1995.
The best way to know what someone’s future actions will be is to look at past actions. This party has destroyed Canada. The liberal party needs to be dissolved.
wow, no way..he learned to play hockey. what a true canadian. also, such an avatar, doing the people a favour by stepping in to look after them, the ungrateful and undeserving and limited, like a loving father figure. guess all is forgotten and forgiven now. decade long pain, misery, destitution, death…just brushed aside now that the mesiah has arrived.
Ask yourselves as an average Canadian are you better off now or before the Liberals came into power in 2015? Because voting Liberal again will be another 5 years of what we’ve had for the past decade.
1 percent tax cut 😂😂😂 This guy makes Trudeau look good ! Please Canada enough is enough !!
Why are our press asking someone who hasn’t been democratically elected why he’s calling an election? Should we just have a leader of our country not hold a seat?
This is the problem with Liberals… they fk up the country then pretend to be the hero fixing it.
Fyi folks. Head over to the Cyber Centre website and review Cyber threats to elections and the Cyber Threats to Canada's Democratic Process: 2025 Update to stay ahead of the threats.
And remember: keep your support for any party and vote a secret. Foreign cyber threat actors want people to break the secret ballot so they can leverage divisions and target individuals with disinformation.
I bet if carny loses the election and wins his riding i bet he will bail
Why do I feel like I need a nap every time this guy speaks?
In general Conservatives always had lower taxes and smaller government while liberals are always larger government and higher taxes. pick your choice
This election is Canada vs. Bank of England
Carney is right – the LIBERALS HAVE BROKEN EVERYTHING – and ‘someone needs to step in to fix things’ – PIERRE POILIEVRE for PM ❤❤❤❤. We need the CONSERVATIVES to step in, LIBERALS sit on the bench with goalie Carney – and let’s see if the next 4 years brings us the REAL CHANGE needed.