French authorities have taken a significant step in their investigation into the popular messaging app Telegram by charging CEO Pavel Durov with preliminary charges. The charges stem from allegations that the app has been used to facilitate criminal activity.
The action against Durov comes as part of a larger crackdown on technology companies that are being used for illicit purposes. The authorities have been investigating Telegram for its potential role in aiding criminal activity such as drug trafficking, terrorism, and money laundering.
Durov, who is based in Dubai, has denied any wrongdoing and insists that Telegram is committed to protecting user privacy and security. The app, which has gained popularity for its encrypted messaging features, has faced scrutiny in recent years for its potential use by criminal organizations.
The French authorities are likely seeking to hold Durov personally responsible for any illegal activity that may have taken place on the platform. The preliminary charges indicate that the investigation is ongoing, and Durov could face further legal action depending on the outcome of the case.
It remains to be seen how this development will impact the future of Telegram and its operations in France and beyond. The case underscores the challenges that technology companies face in balancing user privacy with the need to prevent criminal activity on their platforms.
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Video “French authorities issue preliminary charges against Telegram messaging app CEO • FRANCE 24” was uploaded on 08/29/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
Taking down free speech
France will pay a price
it's about the public channels of telegram not about the private messages. Any social network have to remove criminal content like terrorism plot, child abuse etc when informed about any occurrence. Because of free speech, Pavel refuses to enforce moderation on public channels and refuses to remove any criminal content from criminals while being notified by justice and police to remove those content. Social Networks are not responsible if they are not aware but when informed about precise case they have to act which Pavel refuses hence being complicit of those crimes. freedom of speech is not impunity to call for or plot terrorist acts or any criminal activities.
i'm no fan of most telegram spaces but arresting him for bogus charges in regards to said spaces is actually insane.
should we arrest zuckerberg and musk for arguably being worse than durov under this logic?
Rotten democracy
France is the new North Korea.
Glenn Greenwald
Pavel Durov arrested in France as online censorship escalate
Takedown … many of my friends were scammed on Telegram.😢😢
Free Durov
I'm sure no criminals ever used faxebook or other american companies in order to to criminal activities. Shame on europeans! We live in a god damn monarchy with dreams about democracy
Collective west is the new evil in world
North Korea of France.
The goverments is afraid of telegram, because of the truth of the goverments darkside
Macron liar
Well… if Micron says so, we have to believe him, right?
The plane he was on refuelled in France or was it detoured?