At Kromdraai in South Africa, José Braga has unearthed the remains of two children. They date from 2.5 million years ago, and one is human, the other a Paranthropus, a member of the hominin genus most closely related to humans. These finds are the starting-point for ground-breaking research that may at last reveal the origins of our genus.
Director : Cédric ROBION
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Video “Kromdraai: Children From The Cradle Of Humankind” was uploaded on 07/28/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
why did we lose hair.thats a step down instead of a step up in evolution.
35:53 Ngoloyi not that thing they wrote
Muy buen vídeo, saludos desde Quito Ecuador y gracias por compartir
Incrível é vc ficar imaginando, como eu gosto de fazer, como eram os ancestrais dos australopithecus e como eles adquiriram o andar ereto!
É ridículo a fragilidade com que estes peleontólogo tratam o gênero humano!
Se cada vez que um humano descessemos de uma árvore para comer resto de carcaça um tigre dente de sabre comerce os humanos vcs não estariam aqui para contar a história!
Nós seres humanos caçávamos e comíamos nossas caças e disseminávamos o temor nos animais, pois caçavamos e andávamos em grupo e nem um animal tinha coragem de nos enfrentar!
Atacavam crianças que se afastava do grupo, pois eramos nós que andávamos livre como senhores da terra logo que descemos das árvores já tomamos a frente de tudo!
“Remote part of South Africa”???? Kromdraai is in Gauteng province, 45 minutes from Johannesburg, population 6 million people and 45 minutes from Pretoria 2.8 million.
Darwin or Jesus? 🥰Jesus🥰
I didn’t always care to learn till I became atheist, now I’m learning all kinds of interesting truths
fucking bbc bulllshit
Evolutionary paradym, false premise
Manque l'image de la "denture" du bébé paranthrope pour que la démonstration soit effective et visible.
One of the giant gaps is the giant humanoid bones found along side both humans and giants evidence found with dinosaurs ?
Recently proven entirely wrong. Humans arose in Europe. Lol!!
Dinosaur bones. No problem. Early humans. Can't find
من عاشق این نوع مستند ها و فیلم های سینمایی مربوط به انسان های اولیه هستم ولی نمیتوانم پیدا کنم😢😔
What about the perfectly modern human fossils found right besides those chimp bones? Hmmmm!
Digging up fossilized floods victims both human and genetic monsters creations of the Sethite nephilims 5500-to-4502bc, does not impress me when they allege millions of years to these finds, further inventing some ludicrous fictional story to justify their claims.
Seharusnya tempat itu di jadikan tempat Ziarah umat manusia
Australopithecines and Paranthropus aren't human nor is it proven that they are ancestral to Homo. Nice science fantasy.
Outstanding documentary, and outstanding work by all involved. Can't think of many discoveries as relevant as what has been discovered at this site. Kudos to all involved.
What a load of crap
😕😬🤔interesante y compleja hitoria😦
Of course the black lady just had to mention apartheid and how special she is. What a load of rubbish. These people have systematically destroyed South Africa since the ANC regime has been in power.
Yes lady, a little self reflection is warranted.
Observations from South Africa
This is all a complete wishbone soothsay! They always find what they want and interpret it the way it supports their expectations.
A bone was lying in a different direction, like N-S? Aaah, it's obviously because there was another hole in the ground and another mound through which carnivores dragged in their prey… and it was an earlier hole!
A water drips forming a stalagmite? Aaah, so we can date it, because water obviously contains only Uranium, and no Lead, and Uranium obviously undergoes fission only when it's in the stalagmite, but not in earth or water!
We found a tooth of another hominid from 2.5 My ago? Aaah, so we can tell exactly how long it suckled its mother!
Graphics are like from middle '90s and, like in all French movies or games, hominids look like fury, melanous Brigitte M.
But in overall it was nice to watch, mainly because of the beautiful African landscapes.
Thank you. ❤
He came from Enki”s lab😁
Wow. So cool.
For those that believe God made all consider that he did that and then let his creations evolve without interference.
Great video! I really liked the way you explained [topic]. I recently made a similar video on my channel and found it interesting to see the different perspectives. Keep it up
Great documentary.
Excellent exposé. A tout point de vue, sauf s'agissant de la traduction écrite du commentaire; qui à de nombreuses occasions n'est pas fidèle. Notamment le terme homininés traduit à l'écrit par hominidés. Les homininés sont la lignée humaine depuis Toumaï jusqu'à Sapiens en passant par australopithècus et homo-érectus; les hominidés étant aujourd'hui le groupe des humains, des bonobos, des chimpanzés, des gorilles, et des orang-outans.
Valioso trabajo de estos científicos
I like how they're using CGI from the Paranthropus era. Keeps it authentic.