In the midst of the devastating fires that have ravaged Los Angeles, actress Christina Applegate has spoken out against individuals who have been expressing joy over the destruction. The “Married… with Children” star took to social media to slam what she called “sick” haters who are reveling in the suffering of others.
Applegate’s comments were echoed by fellow actress Eva Longoria, who also appeared on “Today” to condemn the insensitivity of those who are finding entertainment in the tragedy. Longoria called for compassion and support for the countless individuals who have lost their homes and livelihoods in the fires.
Meanwhile, actor Dennis Quaid defended the hard-working residents of Los Angeles on “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” emphasizing the resilience and strength of the community in the face of adversity. Quaid’s passionate defense of Angelenos served as a reminder of the unity and solidarity that emerges in times of crisis.
In a show of solidarity with the victims of the fires, musician The Weeknd announced that he would be postponing the release of his highly anticipated album and canceling his upcoming concert at the Rose Bowl. The Weeknd’s decision to prioritize the well-being of those affected by the fires further highlights the gravity of the situation and the importance of supporting those in need.
As Los Angeles continues to grapple with the aftermath of the fires, it is heartening to see public figures like Applegate, Longoria, Quaid, and The Weeknd using their platforms to denounce callous behavior and encourage empathy and compassion. Their actions serve as a reminder of the power of solidarity and community in times of crisis.
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Video “LA Fires: Christina Applegate SLAMS ‘Sick’ Haters Praising Destruction” was uploaded on 01/15/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Be careful about donation, the demonic democrats will steal $$$$.
These Celebrities act like they run the streets of LA but they don't a lot of celebrities and people who are liberal complain about the fire , at the same time they vote for dumbass democrats such as newsom , Karen bass, and Harris that they have bad leadership they put LGBTQ over people with wildfires that's insane
Not listening – only responding to titles. Of course no one is happy at the destruction. But it did happen and we are hoping this is a wake-up call to the woke. That is all. We don't want you left in the dust of the global elite (even though some of your own are part of the global elite – most are not).
The everyday American does care about LA ….we ALSO care about North Carolina who didn't get a fraction of the attention that LA Is getting. I think that's what is pissing people off. America should be taking care of America!! Period!!
Politicians WILL NEVER do as good as the citizens. The citizens come together in a crisis. THE POLITICIANS DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Politicians are useless. Absolutely USELESS. Newsom/ Bass GO EFF YOURSELVES. I pray you both get run out of office. Enough is enough. Never think those in charge have the citizens best interests. Politicians are shit disturbers, and dividers, liars, cons, the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst.
Insteading of building and rebuilding on limited water resources, move some else that is safer. It is like this is all tone deaf. Does anyone need to live where natural disasters take place, especially when they have money?
Although I don't think it should be praised, let's not sit here and act like many of these celebrities didn't need to be humbled. Ijs. Many of them looked down on the less fortunate. Not all but some. So it's good for THOSE types to get a chance to see what the less fortunate go through everyday. Maybe this experience will teach them to be more compassionate to the people they looked down on before this happened.
What happening in La its just sign that end of time is near prepared with do charity because you have obligation to God for you goodness in eternal life..
Funny how no one is talking about the bankers and Wall Street types that lived in these neighborhoods? The rich businesses owners too?
Wow that’s sad. At least 100 people he knows who have lost their homes. Thats tragic. 🙏 god bless all of them. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to have my little cracker box and losing everything.
“Then God rains sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and all the Plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground “Genesis 19:24–25
““Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.”Matthew 6:19-21
I dont give a shit about Hollywood
Its sad that people say crap like that i feel bad that i can't donate
I mean they deserve cuz why mock God your creator like even the cross and the Mary statue didn't get burnt so just to know how powerful God is
Don't test God
Have a great life with Newsom. Have we had an earthquake under Newsom? you know it's coming. Bashing haters rather than the source of burning houses bet she's a Cumala voter. Wake up
It makes me mad too Christina! All you Actresses and Actors entertain all of us daily and you've earned every bit of your pay! Money or no money these fires are heartbreaking for everyone who's lost something or everything! Sending love and support 💙
Celebrities may be a small portion of Hollywood- yet they account for most the wealth 😂
Missed placed anger
The elite had their bubble burst and the hands they supported betrayed them
I unfortunately think the game is over
And Hollywood lost
She’s angry and we on the outside who call it truthfully is harsh for the elite who now have no place
Bubble burst
The negative backlash is shameful. These comments are from very sad, small minded people. My heart goes out to all.❤
Celebs and rich people complaining about the haters online sound just a hair short of "let them eat cake". Yeah your houses and your memories burned to ash but your house was worth between $4million to $46million!! People out here have either been homeless or are staring homelessness in the face. Most of the celebs there aren't gonna worry about where they're gonna live until their house gets rebuilt. The majority of them aren't gonna struggle to find food daily. These celebs got rich by poor people buying their products or seeing their movies. You're rich because of us. Your entitlement has made you tone deaf and completely blind to the plight of the everyday worker struggling to pay $2000+ per month just to have a one bedroom apartment in that area. Us poors, we really don't care that you lost a $4million house on the hill. You people have more in one mansion than most regular folks will even be privvy to see in their lifetime. Your bank accounts will see you through. The poor people struggling to get by, they don't have the means to make this better. When you come onto an interview whining that us poors are rejoicing that you finally got knocked down to a level closer to what we've been living in, you sound like Marie Antoinette when she said "let them eat cake". If you really care about the regular people in the area, go volunteer like Jennifer garner. Go help the firefighters like Steve guttenburg. Don't sit in interviews whining and crying that the down trodden peasants are revelling in your demise. We don't care
What people from Kalifornia don't understand is that the rest of the country is tired of the trash that Hollywood puts out day after day, and tired of them supporting liberal politicians. And that people in Kalifornia (LA) are pretty much material people who for some reason, look up to these elites with a phony reverence. Kalifornia doesn't care how hard people have to work. It's a cesspool.
Real american have been struggling for decades. Infation is so high people have to decide on food or bills. Sorry but we dont give a fuck about your million dollar homes. Especially those with more than 1 home. How out of touch can you actors be??? Plus sorry Christina but why are you even relevant anymore? You havent done anything in years. Lmao😂
I don't like haters.
Some people I know , including me, have more compassion for Ukraine & what's going on in the middle east.
At least celebrities can rebuild, ordinary people can't!
Amen! Well said! Truly! Who folks are, what they do for a living, or how much money they have, does not lessen the tragedy of this or the devastating irreplaceable losses they have suffered. That makes no difference in a terrible tragedy such as this or in any circumstances. 'Celebrities' are precious people too, first & foremost. no matter what! Anything else is totally irrelevant here! Also, if certain people don't care about these folks, just because they happen to be celebrities & happen to be richer than others, then why do they bother even clicking onto Videos with that content? Then, making terrible Comments which sound very heartless & callous as well as being totally ludicrous. Thereby, clearly revealing the fact that they are completely missing the real, true point in this terrible tragedy! Disgraceful! May God bless, protect comfort & strengthen all those poor folks suffering through this horrible nightmare & the tragic irreplaceable losses in their lives. Whether they are so called 'celebrities, or just 'celebrated' everyday folks. Thank you for sharing! Blessings to you! God bless us every one!
Guys everybody lost something sentimental every single person. Everybody's hurting we need to pull together as a team not pull apart
No one cares about celebs, you don’t speak for the hard working people. So shut the hell up and let them speak!
It’s only the Trumper‘s and the Christians that are happy that people in California have been hurt. Back in the 70s when I used to be a Christian in a southern Baptist Church, the preacher would always say after every tornado, hurricane, or fire that it was God doing it because of all the sex that was happening in California. Even when the event happened in other states ; it was still the fault of California. There wasn’t a lot of other things going on in California at that time so it was all about the unmarried sex and the gay sex..