Čo sme urobili pre slovenský futbal? | Katarína Sokolová a Júlia Choleva | TEDxBratislava Women – Video

Čo sme urobili pre slovenský futbal? | Katarína Sokolová a Júlia Choleva | TEDxBratislava Women – Video

The video “Čo si spravil ty pre slovenský futbal?” features Katarína Sokolová and Júlia Choleva sharing their insights on how individuals can support and empower women in the Slovakian football community. In their TEDxBratislava Women talk, they highlight the importance of fostering a culture of inclusivity and equality within the sport. They encourage viewers to reflect on their own actions and ask themselves what they have done to contribute to the advancement of Slovakian football.

Sokolová and Choleva delve into the challenges and barriers that women face in the football industry, and share their personal experiences of breaking through these obstacles. They stress the significance of providing opportunities and platforms for women to showcase their talent and skills in the sport. The speakers also emphasize the importance of building a supportive network and advocating for gender equality in football.

Overall, “Čo si spravil ty pre slovenský futbal?” serves as a powerful and inspiring call to action for individuals to actively promote gender equality and drive positive change within the Slovakian football community.

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Author Video Description

[sk] Viete si predstaviť, že by ste išli na futbal kde sa nestretnete s nadávkami, násilím a situáciami, ktoré sú mimo fairplay? Katarína Sokolová a Júlia Choleva nám v talku na poduajtí TEDxBratislavaWomen predstavili futbalovú komunitu Kozmos, ktorá otvorene vystupuje proti fašizmu, rasizmu a homofóbii, podporuje hodnoty feminizmu a rovnosti. Dokonca zaspievali aj svoje chorály. Vypočujte si ich aj vy v talku.

[en] Can you imagine going to a football match where you don’t encounter swearing, violence and situations that are out of fairplay? Katarína Sokolová and Júlia Choleva introduced us to the football community Kozmos, which openly speaks out against fascism, racism and homophobia, and promotes the values of feminism and equality. They even sang their own chorales. [sk]Katarína Sokolová je aktivistka a najstaršia hráčka ženstva FK Kozmos od roku 2020. V pracovnom živote sa venuje rozvoju mäkkých zručností (soft-skills) a nastavovaniu agilných spôsobov práce vo firmách.
Júlia Choleva je v Kozmose od jeho vzniku ako zdravotníčka, vyberačka vstupného, no najmä ako aktívna členka fanúšikovského kotla. Hráčsku kariéru aktívne započala v 7. mesiaci tehotenstva a doteraz v nej pokračuje. Pracovne sa venuje jazyku a jazykovede.

[en]Katarína Sokolová is an activist and the oldest female player of FK Kozmos since 2020. In her professional life she is dedicated to developing soft-skills and setting agile ways of working in companies.
Júlia Choleva has been in Kozmos since its inception as a nurse, admission fee collector, but most importantly as an active member of the fan club. She actively started her playing career in the 7th month of pregnancy. Professionally, she is interested in language and linguistics. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere — celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speakers on their own, but based on TED’s format and rules.

Video “Čo si spravil ty pre slovenský futbal? | Katarína Sokolová a Júlia Choleva | TEDxBratislava Women” was uploaded on 06/07/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks