‘Cocaine Shark’ Creator Says Real-Life Cracked-Out Sharks Are Great Promo

‘Cocaine Shark’ Creator Says Real-Life Cracked-Out Sharks Are Great Promo

The creators of the viral video “Cocaine Shark” are taking advantage of recent news about real-life sharks testing positive for cocaine. In an interview with TMZ, the team behind the popular video expressed their amusement at the unexpected connection between their fictional, drug-fueled shark and the bizarre reality of drug-addled sharks in the wild. Despite the serious implications of drug contamination in marine ecosystems, the creators of “Cocaine Shark” see this news as great promotional material for their video, which continues to attract millions of views online. This unexpected twist adds a new layer of topical relevance to the already outrageous and entertaining concept of a shark on a wild cocaine binge.

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Video “‘Cocaine Shark’ Creator Says Real-Life Cracked-Out Sharks Are Great Promo | TMZ” was uploaded on 07/27/2024 to Youtube Channel TMZ