Contemporary ‘Odor Chaser’: Finding Purpose for Waste | Sheng Guofen | TEDxTainan Salon – Video

Contemporary ‘Odor Chaser’: Finding Purpose for Waste | Sheng Guofen | TEDxTainan Salon – Video

In the TEDxTainan Salon video titled “當代逐臭之夫: 為廢棄物找到用武之地 | 沈國芬,” environmental activist 沈國芬 sheds light on the importance of waste management in our modern society. With the ever-increasing amount of waste being generated, it is imperative that we find innovative ways to repurpose and recycle these materials to minimize their impact on the environment.

沈國芬 discusses how he has dedicated his life to tackling this issue by becoming a “逐臭之夫,” or a scavenger of waste. He shares inspiring anecdotes of how he has found valuable uses for discarded items and turned them into something useful and sustainable. By doing so, he not only reduces the amount of waste ending up in landfills but also promotes a more eco-friendly way of living.

Through his talk, 沈國芬 challenges viewers to rethink their approach to waste and encourages them to find creative ways to give new life to discarded materials. This video serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible waste management and the impact it can have on our planet’s future.

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台灣每天產生約1300噸的廢棄尿布,對環境造成嚴重負擔,但你知道它們可以變成高價值材料嗎?本次演講揭示了循環經濟如何將髒尿布轉化為塑膠、紙纖維和吸水材料,為資源再利用開創新篇章。從創新的技術到政策推動,我們可以一起將廢棄物變成永續的可能。 一場世纪大瘟疫,改變了世界,也改變了我。走入人生下半場,我在我25歲的總經理身上,看到50歲之後的我才有的改變世界的勇氣與決心。在這樣的世代,我們必須責無旁貸,為了下一代,也為了我們生活的這片地土,這已經不單單是你我的責任,這是屬於每個地球公民的責任。阿幾米得說:「請給我一個支点,我將翹動整個地球」,願每個人都能成為翹動地球的支点.善盡一已之力,?手串起循環永續的美好聯集。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Video “當代逐臭之夫: 為廢棄物找到用武之地 | 沈國芬 | TEDxTainan Salon” was uploaded on 01/24/2025 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks