Contempt resolution against Biden’s ghostwriter moves forward in House Judiciary

Contempt resolution against Biden’s ghostwriter moves forward in House Judiciary

The House Judiciary Committee has taken a bold step in advancing a resolution that could hold President Biden’s ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, in contempt of Congress. This decision comes after it was revealed that Zwonitzer had classified material disclosed to him by the commander-in-chief during their conversations.

The resolution, which will now be considered by the full House of Representatives, could potentially lead to Zwonitzer being referred to the Department of Justice for prosecution. This development has raised significant concerns about the handling of sensitive information and the importance of transparency within government.

The House Judiciary Committee’s decision has sparked a heated debate among lawmakers, with some arguing that accountability must be upheld, while others defend Zwonitzer’s actions. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the full House will respond to this resolution.

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Video “House Judiciary advances contempt resolution against Biden’s ghostwriter” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post