Continuous Support for Rohingya Refugees Promised by Bangladesh Caretaker Government

Continuous Support for Rohingya Refugees Promised by Bangladesh Caretaker Government

In his first major policy address, Nobel laureate and new leader Muhammad Yunus has pledged continuous support for the immense Rohingya refugee population living in Bangladesh. The country is home to around one million Rohingya refugees, most of whom fled neighboring Myanmar in 2017 after a brutal military crackdown.

Yunus highlighted the importance of maintaining support for both the Rohingya refugees and Bangladesh’s vital garment trade industry. Despite the challenges posed by hosting such a large refugee population, Bangladesh remains committed to providing assistance and protection to the Rohingya community.

The government’s commitment to supporting the Rohingya refugees comes at a critical time, as the international community continues to grapple with finding long-term solutions for their plight. With ongoing conflicts and persecution in Myanmar, the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are in need of continued support and assistance to ensure their well-being and safety.

As Bangladesh navigates the complexities of hosting a large refugee population while also managing other economic and social challenges, Yunus’s vow to provide continuous support for the Rohingya refugees signals a commitment to upholding humanitarian values and maintaining stability in the region.

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Video “Bangladesh caretaker govt vows continuous support for Rohingya refugees • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 08/19/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English