Could scaling back government jobs quota in Bangladesh’s top court decision end demonstrations?

Could scaling back government jobs quota in Bangladesh’s top court decision end demonstrations?

After days of widespread unrest and violent clashes between police and demonstrators in Bangladesh, the country’s top court has made a decision that could potentially bring an end to the chaos. The court has decided to scale back a controversial quota system for government job applicants, a move that is seen as a partial victory for the student protesters who have been demanding reform.

The quota system in question had reserved a certain percentage of government jobs for various groups, including women, ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. However, critics argued that the system was unfair and led to discrimination against those who did not fall into these categories.

The protests that erupted in response to the quota system quickly escalated into violent clashes with police, resulting in the deaths of scores of people. The situation had become increasingly tense, with no immediate resolution in sight.

Now, with the court’s decision to scale back the quota system, there is hope that the demonstrations will come to an end. This move is likely to appease the protesters and address their concerns, at least to some extent.

It remains to be seen how the demonstrators will respond to this development and whether they will continue to push for further reforms. But for now, there is a glimmer of hope that the situation in Bangladesh will start to calm down.

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Video “Will Bangladesh’s top court decision to scale back government jobs quota end demonstrations?” was uploaded on 07/21/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English