As the summer Olympics enters its final days, the competition is heating up not just in terms of athletic prowess, but also in terms of the rewards that await the medalists. From cash prizes to unique incentives, different countries offer various rewards to their victorious athletes.
The United States currently leads the medal tally, tied with China for the most number of gold medals. While the glory of winning an Olympic medal is already a great achievement in itself, many countries also provide additional rewards to their athletes as a way to recognize their hard work and dedication.
In some countries like Singapore, athletes can receive cash prizes for their Olympic success, with gold medalists receiving the highest amount. Other countries, like Italy and Kazakhstan, offer lifetime salaries to their medalists, ensuring financial security for the athletes who bring pride to their nations on the global stage.
On the other end of the spectrum, some countries offer more unconventional rewards to their successful athletes. For example, in Azerbaijan, Olympic medalists have the opportunity to receive a luxury car, while in Indonesia, athletes can be rewarded with livestock such as cows and goats.
These rewards not only serve as a token of appreciation for the athletes’ hard work and dedication but also as an incentive to inspire future generations to aim for success in sports. As the Olympics come to a close, the winners can look forward to reaping the benefits of their achievements, both in terms of pride and tangible rewards.
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Video “From cash prizes to goats: what rewards do Olympic Medalists win depending on their country?” was uploaded on 08/06/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
When an amateur athlete beats an old pro, do they get special recognition?
The US, like Russia, should be removed from Olympic competition for selling out. Aging professional "athletes" are buying Olympic spots to try to secure their fame. Other old athletes are backed by untoward forces that allow them to play the same game for decades and dominate the teenagers from around the world. Please return the Olympics to amateur status. These old, leathery freakish cheaters with way too much hair and makeup need to return to the US and star in tv shows and sit-coms, not embarrass us all internationally.
Only a few of the 100s of competitions are of interest to the public, so who cares what the winners get?
You did not report the huge prizes for Philippines gold medalists…
2 gold medals.
Yulo will get 30 Million cash fr the national government, local government and PH Olympic Committee. He will also get brand new house and lot worth 6 Million pesos.
He will also get a 3 bedroom luxury condo worth 31 Million pesos. Total is
67 Million pesos or US$1.1 Million, conservative estimate bec it will increase soon.
Malaysia still has 0 gold in olympics history they should make it $1 million per gold.🤣🤣
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