Creatures The World Forgot is a thrilling adventure film that takes viewers back to a time when primitive tribes ruled the earth. The movie follows the story of twin brothers who find themselves embroiled in a violent conflict over leadership and the affections of a captivating woman. As they battle for control of their tribe, secrets are revealed and alliances are tested in this epic struggle for power.
The film boasts a talented cast, including Tony Bonner, Julie Ege, and Marcia Fox, who deliver captivating performances that bring the story to life. Directed with skill and precision, Creatures The World Forgot is a visually stunning journey into a savage world where survival is paramount and betrayal lurks around every corner.
With a gripping plot and breathtaking visuals, Creatures The World Forgot is a must-see for fans of action-packed adventure films. Don’t miss out on the excitement – check out this thrilling movie now!
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Video “Creatures The World Forgot FULL MOVIE | (Tony Bonner, Julie Ege, Marcia Fox) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 06/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Good Morning!
They wear sandals 🤣🤣🤣🤣
one and ahalf hours of nonsense that cinema forgot!
The human being, as created by God, is a marvel of intricate design and profound beauty. With a body perfectly balanced and a mind capable of deep thought and emotion, humans are a reflection of divine craftsmanship. Each person possesses unique features, a combination of physical and spiritual attributes that highlight the diversity and richness of God's creation. The harmony between the body, mind, and soul showcases the potential for wisdom, compassion, and creativity, making humans a truly remarkable part of creation. However, filmmakers often distort this image, portraying humans as primitive and ape-like. How absurd this is!😢
Don Chafa también fue el director de Jason y los Argonautas
This movie was made well before one million bc 😊
In the music score you can easily get title of film and helps film along. Julie Edge plus Rosalie Crutchley two names in cast recognise.
Overall out of 5 stars I'd give 1 & half stars not bad.
Boring movie time waste
Is it Doctor Hook?😊
ঠিক আছে
Sound like the people that follow farage.
O zamandan bu zamana pekte degismemis insanogluu
Un exoplanet X dans quelque lieu de la galaxie
On peut anoter la date exacte, 10.000 avant notre ère 😂🎉😅😊
Théorie de la relativité Espace temps
En attendant des dieux…🤦🤷
The planet of the apes of the hippie rockers😂🎉😅😊
10 minutes initiales 2001 odyssée spatiale avant de voir tout ça
Il est bien étudié que l'espèce humaine a pu disparaitre pendant ce temps-là, jusqu'à l'anachronisme 39:00 du 🔥 feu? des brevis dressés?🤦🤷
Faire de l'amalgame, il n'y a pas de dinosaures mais…
Tuned in to see some Ray Harryhausen stop motion.not one miserable stegosaurus,sorely disappointed.
“Sweet, playful touch”..nice! ❤💕💕
HE knows EXACTLY what he’s doing 🗿🗿
They all have great manicures
By the time man had reached this stage of development , the could at least speak.
Eine Entscheidung aufgrund der hier aufgeführten Kommentare zu fällen, ist nicht zielführend. Dafür sind die Kommentare zu unterschiedlich, stets subjektiv-liegt wohl in der Natur der Sache. Grundsätzlich sind viele Kommentare einfach unfair, an einem Film herumzunörgeln, den ihr aber ohne Kosten anschauen könnt, ist schlicht daneben. Ach so, mir hat der Film gut gefallen. Keine Dialoge, aber dennoch oder gerade deswegen unterhaltsam.
Muy buena película me gustó 😅
Tôi không hiểu nhưng vẫn xem hết
I don't know how they were able to memorize all those lines and get the accent right? You could watch the beginning and fast forward to the end and wouldn't have missed a thing…except some of the crucial lines. It was a real cliff hanger…pun intended.
Movie the World should forget !
Миллион лет до нашей эры на 10 раз лучщье и интересней этого фильма.
This is a follow-up to the classic 1966 movie One Million BC.
sehr schöner und spannender Film. Top !
Did anyone saw a creature in this movie ?
Acho pouco provável que o ser humano tenha se desenvolvido em terrenos áridos como esse mostrado no filme, longe da água doce, rios, lagos ou vertentes.
Utter garbage
What is the stuff in this movie?
Nice Movie
It's incredible they used scenes from the film "One million years before BC"
This could be a film about a close future 😬
Very good movie present you, Thanks a lot
I enjoyed this. I understand why other people might struggle to. i bet that most of those who didn't enjoy it only speak one language. When you start learning a second or third language, it might as well sound like those people in the film. After a year or so, it starts to make no less sense than your mother tongue!
Really boring and a nonsense movie
افلام الخيال العلمي😂😂😂
Why can’t I watch the original The Lost World on YT?
A complete ripoff of the movie "One million years BC". They even use EXACTLY the same scenes during the earthquake. And I mean exactly.
Hammer's caveman movie with no dinosaurs in it. Well, more historically accurate. Interesting how it shows us doing the same old things for the same reasons even before we could talk to each other.
Good movie since nobody said a word. 😂
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