“Poor White Trash: Crime Pays… Just not Enough” is a darkly comedic thriller directed by Michael Addis. The film follows a white-trash family who must turn to a life of crime in order to send their teenage son to college.
Starring Sean Young, William Devane, and Tony Denman, “Poor White Trash” explores the lengths that one family will go to in order to secure a better future for their child. With a mix of tension and humor, the film delves into the seedy underbelly of small town America, where morality is often pushed to the side in the face of desperation.
The script, written by Michael Addis and Tony Urban, expertly blends comedy and thriller elements, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats while also eliciting laughter at the absurdity of the family’s choices. The impressive performances from the cast bring the story to life, with each actor bringing depth and nuance to their characters.
Set in the year 2000, “Poor White Trash” is a gripping and entertaining watch that will leave audiences questioning just how far they would go for the ones they love. With subtitles available for viewers, this film is a must-watch for fans of crime comedies looking for a fresh and entertaining take on the genre.
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Video “Poor White Trash (Comedy, Thriller) Crime Pays… Just not Enough | Full Movie” was uploaded on 12/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
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