The Liberal government faced criticism from opposition members for quickly tabling the Fall Economic Statement in the House of Commons before leaving the chamber. House Leader Karina Gould rose to table the budget but then promptly exited without allowing for questions or comments. This action was described by Conservative MP Dan Albas as a “drop off drive-by”, highlighting the lack of accountability and scrutiny in the process.
Opposition House Leader Andrew Scheer expressed disappointment, stating that there should have been at least ten minutes for questions and comments following the tabling of the statement. He criticized the government for avoiding accountability and scrutiny by leaving so quickly after tabling the budget. Calls were made for House Speaker Greg Fergus to find the Liberals in contempt, but Fergus pointed out the permissive nature of the motion.
The swift exit of the Liberal government following the tabling of the Fall Economic Statement raised concerns about transparency and accountability in the parliamentary process. Opposition members highlighted the need for greater scrutiny and questioned the government’s commitment to transparency. As the debate continues, the actions of the Liberals in this instance will likely fuel further discussion and scrutiny of their handling of the economic statement.
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Video ““Drop off drive-by”: Liberals criticized for quickly tabling Fall Economic Statement, then leaving” was uploaded on 12/17/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News
What a pathetic joke our Government is
Everything they do is childish. They project, lie, act horribly, etc.
Canadians don't deserve these immature brats
Show the documents detailing the economic carnage and run away like cowards.
So the Libs drop off the budget docs then scram to avoid democracy. Tells you how confident they are in their budget and their lack of respect for Canadians.
This is what you get voting for the liberal its absolutely insane
I miss Harper
This is what you get voting for the liberal its absolutely insane
I miss Harper and our surplus
This is the beginning of the end
Election now get the criminals out
bro what kind of circus is this even, looks like nigerian elves are convening in 1634
…"that was 55%, or $21.9 BILLION over budget"
Nice try, maybe stop burying the lead.
is jagmeet still going to support this mess?
The idea that they just cut the sound to the entire house whenever they please. How are canadians allowing this? Oh right, it's india now.
They're there to serve Canadians on Canadians' dime and now the deficit has significantly increased to a staggering $61.9 Billion! Canadians need answers.
The current liberal party is a bunch of cowards.
Seeing Greg Fergus' career end in real time. If you loot the treasury fast enough, you don't have to worry about future career it seems.
Wow what a scam
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I remember the cry "Vote Anything But Conservative" ABC. Well, we've had 9 years of "Anything". maybe now it's time for "something"?
Greg Fergus is the worst speaker of the house in Canadian history.
Those Liberal talking-heads that refuse to answer any questions, are disgusting in their irresponsible defenses and pompous attitudes of deflection… It's embarrassing. How do they sleep at night?
After voting for the NDP for over a decade, If Mr. Singh doesn't call an election then I believe Mr. Singh needs to step down as the leader of the party or I will never vote NDP ever again in my life time.
Karina Gould is a disgusting example of a coward doing what she is told to do by a bullying ‘leader’.
This is pure weakness. This a public failure to actually represent the people who elected you. This is incompetence.
She presents a report with massive implications to our county’s financial stability and runs away immediately???
Trudeau is finished, all of these weak, compliant bootlickers need to be finished too!
Is this indifferent announcement of the deficit the Trudeau version of pardoning your son on your way out of office?!
Trudeau officially is the worst PM of canada, that's number 1 for sure.