Cryptic Pregnancy: ‘I Didn’t Know I Was Having a Baby’

Cryptic Pregnancy: ‘I Didn’t Know I Was Having a Baby’

Cryptic pregnancies, while rare, can happen to anyone – even those who have taken precautions such as using contraceptives. In a recent video by BBC News, a young woman named Tawana shares her unexpected journey of discovering she was eight months pregnant while being admitted to the hospital for chest pains. Despite having a contraceptive implant and receiving a negative pregnancy test, Tawana was experiencing a cryptic pregnancy.

According to a paper published in the British Medical Journal in 2002, cryptic pregnancies occur in about one in every 2,500 pregnancies, suggesting that there may be around 320 cases in the UK every year. In the video, Tawana, along with her partner Emmanuel and their one-year-old baby River, shares her story on the Reliable Sauce show.

BBC health reporter Elena Bailey joins Tawana, Jonelle, and Kirsty in discussing how often cryptic pregnancies happen and who is most likely to experience them. The video sheds light on this rare phenomenon and provides insightful information for those who may find themselves in a similar situation.

To listen to the full Reliable Sauce episode and learn more about cryptic pregnancies, visit the BBC News website. Subscribe for more news, analysis, and features on #Pregnancy #BBCNews.

Watch the video by BBC News

Video “Cryptic pregnancy: ‘I didn’t know I was having a baby’ | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/14/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News