“Daredevil: Born Again” is set to be a thrilling addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with an intense storyline that delves into the complex and tumultuous past of Matt Murdock, also known as Daredevil. Played by the talented Charlie Cox, Murdock finds himself facing off against his arch-nemesis Wilson Fisk, portrayed by the formidable Jon Bernthal.
The trailer for the film promises a gripping tale of redemption, as Murdock’s past comes back to haunt him in unexpected ways. As his past identities begin to resurface, Murdock must confront his demons and fight to protect those he cares about from the wrath of Fisk.
Directed by [Director], and written by [Writer], “Daredevil: Born Again” is shaping up to be a must-see for fans of the superhero genre. With powerful performances from Cox and Bernthal, as well as a dark and gritty atmosphere, this film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Get ready for a heart-pounding journey into the depths of Hell’s Kitchen, as Daredevil faces his greatest challenge yet in “Daredevil: Born Again.”
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN Official Trailer (2025) Charlie Cox, Jon Bernthal” was uploaded on 01/15/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Nice pssy
NO WAY! "They" better ha e a good reason why Ben did not come back. I hate when this happens. My $$$ will be spent elsewhere. 😢
Dang that background music! Hyped for this series.
The Kingpin should be cgi bigger, and we should see and hear the sonar powers of Daredevil..
This looks brilliant
OK, now this looks like DD done correctly. This one may be worth watching in spite of it being Disney.
Wait is Bernthal playing the Punisher in this?
Well that was powerful.
Hell Yes!!! Daredevil is the only Netflix marvel show that was worth watching and I can’t wait for this!!!
Oh, Thank you lord almighty!
My mouth watered a lil. Some1 want to enlighten me as to who that is in the white mask??
Instantly one of my most anticipated shows of the year. Right behind A knight of the seven kingdoms
Waouh !!!! A real super hero movie (for once) !!!😊
Did Kathleen Kennedy come anywhere near this production?
Motherfuckin Shaaaaane!!! Jon Bernthal is The best Punisher of all time. I hope he has a big role in this show.
Spanish | Lin Ziola
I just want more punisher
Needless was to say there two episodes each why? Because Punisher story or could be more protagonist story.