In the upcoming film “Death of a Unicorn,” audiences are taken on a gripping and unique journey following father-daughter duo Riley and Elliot as they hit a unicorn with their car. Instead of leaving the majestic creature behind, they decide to bring it to the wilderness retreat of a powerful pharmaceutical CEO.
The film, directed by a yet-to-be-announced director, features a stellar cast including Jenna Ortega and Paul Rudd. Ortega shines as Riley, a daughter determined to save the unicorn, while Rudd brings his comedic charm to the role of the pharmaceutical CEO with questionable motives.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a thought-provoking adventure filled with twists and turns, raising questions about ethics, humanity, and the consequences of our actions. With stunning visuals and a gripping storyline, “Death of a Unicorn” promises to be a must-watch film for cinephiles looking for something fresh and original.
Stay tuned for the release of “Death of a Unicorn” in 2025, brought to you by A24.
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Video “DEATH OF A UNICORN Official Trailer (2025) Jenna Ortega, Paul Rudd Movie HD” was uploaded on 12/18/2024 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Yeah, 2025 will be magic 🙂
Looks absolutely terrible.
And Jenna Ortega is now type casted for the rest of her carrer?
Not enough diversity. Pass
This definitely wasn't made for me. Guess I'm skipping on this one.
Is that that guy from Hudson hawk😮
First a cocaine loving mama bear, then a sloth in the sorority, now a unicorn with an axe to grind.
Everything I thought it would be, and much worse.
US people kill even a unicorn… crazy stuff, are the movie maker on fentanyl?
Brought to you by Autism….
Star wars siren 😂
2025 Unicorn I will watch it next year
Looks great actually 🤩🤩 Cannot wait ut to see it 🥶
I guess ppl don't like actually entertaining Horror movies 😂😂
They love non horror movies like Smile, Heretic, The Substance etc..