Death toll from student protests rises in Bangladesh, leading to imposed shutdown.

Death toll from student protests rises in Bangladesh, leading to imposed shutdown.

Bangladesh has imposed a nationwide shutdown in response to ongoing student protests against government job quotas. The protests, led by students, have been met with a heavy-handed government crackdown, with military personnel and police patrolling the streets of the capital, Dhaka.

The government’s decision to enforce a curfew comes as the death toll from the demonstrations continues to mount, sparking fears of escalating violence. The protests have been marked by clashes between demonstrators and security forces, with reports of injuries and arrests.

The government has defended its actions, citing the need to maintain law and order and protect public safety. However, critics have accused authorities of using excessive force to suppress the protests and limit freedom of expression.

The crackdown has resulted in largely deserted streets in Dhaka, with residents urged to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel. The situation remains tense, with the government appearing determined to quash the protests by any means necessary.

As the standoff between protesters and authorities continues, the international community will be closely monitoring the situation in Bangladesh, calling for restraint and respect for human rights. The outcome of the protests and the government’s response will have far-reaching implications for the country’s political landscape and the future of democracy in Bangladesh.

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Video “Bangladesh imposes shutdown as death toll from student protests mounts” was uploaded on 07/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English