‘Decolonizing Beauty’: Shedding Light on Africa’s Varied Cultures • FRANCE 24 English

‘Decolonizing Beauty’: Shedding Light on Africa’s Varied Cultures • FRANCE 24 English

The ‘Decolonizing Beauty’ campaign, launched by Pan-African company Zikora Productions, aims to showcase the diverse and traditional aesthetics of Africa in order to challenge and redefine mainstream beauty norms. With various projects set to roll out throughout the year across multiple platforms, the campaign seeks to highlight the beauty and value of Africa’s rich and diverse cultures.

Founder Chika Oduah recently spoke with France 24 about the campaign’s goals and what they hope to achieve. By embracing and celebrating the unique beauty of Africa, ‘Decolonizing Beauty’ aims to shift the narrative surrounding beauty standards and challenge the prevailing Eurocentric ideals that have long dominated the industry.

Through the campaign, Zikora Productions hopes to uplift and empower African communities by promoting a more inclusive and representative vision of beauty. By shedding light on the multitude of cultures and traditions found across the continent, ‘Decolonizing Beauty’ is paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse beauty industry.

As the campaign continues to gain momentum, it is sparking important conversations about representation, diversity, and cultural appreciation within the beauty world. By shining a spotlight on Africa’s vibrant and rich heritage, ‘Decolonizing Beauty’ is setting a new standard for beauty and redefining what it means to be truly beautiful.

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Video “‘Decolonizing Beauty’: The campaign to showcase Africa’s diverse cultures • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/18/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English