Transport yourself to a cozy kitchen in the heart of Azerbaijan, where the scent of freshly baked treats fills the air and warm cups of tea await. Today, we’re bringing you a recipe that is sure to become a staple in your baking repertoire—Heavenly Walnut Cookies with Condensed Milk Filling.
Picture this: delicate cookies shaped like walnuts, each one filled with a rich and creamy condensed milk center. These treats are the perfect combination of elegance and sweetness, making them ideal for any tea-time celebration or casual snack.
To bring this delightful recipe to life, you’ll need just a few simple ingredients that you likely already have in your pantry. Eggs, butter, sugar, flour, and vanilla all come together to create a soft and buttery dough that forms the base of these irresistible cookies. The addition of boiled condensed milk adds a decadent touch, ensuring that each bite is a true delight for the taste buds.
As you follow along with our step-by-step video, you’ll learn the techniques for mixing, shaping, and baking these walnut-shaped cookies to perfection. The end result is a batch of 60 treats that are as beautiful as they are delicious, each one offering a satisfying crunch on the outside and a melt-in-your-mouth filling on the inside.
Whether you’re hosting a gathering with loved ones or simply treating yourself to a moment of indulgence, these cookies are sure to bring joy to all who enjoy them. So, gather your ingredients, preheat your oven, and get ready to experience the magic of homemade sweets in the comfort of your own home.
Join us on this baking adventure and discover the delight of creating your own walnut-shaped cookies with condensed milk filling. From our kitchen to yours, we wish you happy baking and many moments of shared sweetness with those you hold dear. Enjoy! 🍪✨
Watch the video by Kənd Həyatı
Video “Heavenly Walnut Cookies with Condensed Milk Filling | Easy Recipe” was uploaded on 03/05/2025 to Youtube Channel Kənd Həyatı
A little chicken "rendezvous"! Crow Boss checking the wood placement and wanting to light it! Now checking the apples! Aziza is an artist and a sculptor, too, among all of her other talents! Spring bulbs getting ready to bloom in their pots! Those cookies look like they will be delicious as is everything Aziza cooks. Poppa sure has a green thumb…..look at that greenhouse!!!!😊 Fresh cookies and a cup of tea….perfect!!!😊❤
رمضان مبارك اخواننا في اذربيجان
احلى جو واحلي حلوة واحلى كرامال صنع منزلي برااااافو
su sizin kargaya bayiliyorum ya munzur kibrit canavari yanliz oda susamis
اتمنى ان تنقلوا لنا اجواء رمضان عندكم ❤❤❤
الحياة الجميلة النقاء الصفاء الطبيعة الامان الراحة الطمأنينة الهدوء
ماأحلاها السيدة المميزة ❤
❤❤❤ гарного вам дня.
Hello from California.
your cookies look delicious 😋
Thank you for sharing this beautiful video God bless you 🙏
Что с хвостом у второй вороны? 10:12
ما شاء الله ❤❤❤ أحب مشاهدت هذه الفيديوهات بكل تفاصيلها
Ура, новое видео! Спасибо большое за вкусный рецепт печенья и ваших милых питомцев. Ворона на яблоках- отличный натюрморт.❤❤❤
♥️♥️ Ramadan ♥️♥️ ♥️♥️♥️Mubarak ♥️♥️♥️
From Lahore Punjab Pakistan 🇵🇰
Beautiful cookies. Mmmmmm delicious 🙏🙏♥️♥️💯💯💯💯♥️♥️🙏🙏
Шаб ба хайр.Добрый вечер.
Ваши печенье орешки классные❤.Мы привыкли их печь в формах.Спасиботвам огромное за ваш труд.Ваши животные одно удовольствие смотреть,особенно ворона! Ваш муж молодец,столько цветов,все ухожено. Как просто пойти в лес набрать земли и моха.У нас тут такой штраф наложат,ое.Чем мне нравятся фильмы,что все естественно,как и подобает.Здоровтя,благополучия всей вашей семьи.Конечно и кто смотрит ваши фильмы.❤❤❤
Какая красота и гармония всего живого – природы, животных, людей, их необыкновенного творчества…
Смотрю и диву даюсь, как же вы всё это умеете делать!?! Бесконечный труд, вкусная еда, красиво всё это засняли и показываете всем нам.Спасибо.
جميل رائع يعجبني عمل وصفات السيدة الرائعة قناة متميزة
ماشاء الله اللهم بارك الله يعطيكم الصحه والعافيه ❤
Hello from Ohio. I enjoy your baking
تسلم ايدك وبارك الله فيكي تحياتي للجميع 😊🌸
MaşaAllah çox gözel olmuş 👍
حلوة رائعة خالة عزيزة نصنع منها تقريبا في العيد 👏👏👏👍👍👍🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
… Vă iubim!
Yummy❤ God bless your family❤
السلام عليكم ما شاء الله كل شي جميل الورد الطيور الحيوانات مناظر بديعه ربي يديم هذه النعمه ويزيدها من فظله ورمضان كريم يا مبدعه ربي يحفظكم ويزيدكم من رزقه
Very very good👏👏👏😋😋
Very very good👏👏👏😋😋
Those look amazing and I know they taste amazing. You put so much love into your food.
Wow yo quiero mmmmm❤
حاجة حلوة شكرا…
Mãos de fada😊
Popping in to say hello from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We are in the middle of a significant snow storm. It's a tea and soup and you guys kinda day. ❤
اللي يعجبني بهاي المرأة نظافتها ❤❤
Has hecho un riquísimo dulce de leche.Asi lo llamamos en Argentina. Te mando un gran abrazo
Boa tarde minha linda oba mais um vídeo top de mais sou viciada nas guloseimas da dona Aziza 👏👏👏👏
Yüce Allah'ım. O karga ve kedilerin uyumu nasıl bir güzelliktir
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن الرحيم روعة حلوة الجوز . جزاك الله خير أختي عزيزة
Dear Aziza, you and your family are such a blessing to all of us! I look forward to watching your videos every day, new or older ones… As long as I see your beautiful videos!
I am sending Blessings to your whole Village!
Predivno jedva sam čekala novi video Azizo neverovatna si bravo
Good morning here from Tennessee ❤️ love watching your videos