Demand for answers: Families of disappeared individuals in Bangladesh

Demand for answers: Families of disappeared individuals in Bangladesh

Families of people who have disappeared in Bangladesh during Sheikh Hasina’s 15-year reign are demanding answers and justice for their missing loved ones.

According to reports, the families have been left in the dark about the whereabouts of their relatives, with many fearing that they may have been victims of enforced disappearances. These disappearances have been linked to the government’s crackdown on dissent and opposition, leading to widespread concern among human rights organizations and activists.

In a recent video, these families are seen protesting and calling for accountability from the government. They express their frustration and anger at not knowing what has happened to their family members, and demand answers from the authorities.

Despite the challenges they face, these families remain hopeful that they will one day find out the truth and receive justice for their missing loved ones. The interim government’s efforts to address these disappearances are seen as a glimmer of hope for these families, who have been waiting for answers for far too long.

As the families continue to demand answers and seek justice, it is crucial for the international community to support their cause and put pressure on the Bangladeshi government to address these disappearances and hold those responsible accountable. Only then can these families find closure and begin to heal from the pain of not knowing the fate of their missing relatives.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “Bangladesh families of disappeared people demand answers” was uploaded on 08/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English