Denise’s Vetting Process for MobilityDog – Video

Denise’s Vetting Process for MobilityDog – Video

In the video “MobilityDog’s Vetting Process with Denise,” a nurse who suffered a back injury shares her journey of finding a service dog to help with her mobility issues. After experiencing multiple falls and finding that a walker did not meet her needs, she sought out a service dog that could provide balance and support. The vetting process for service dogs is described as a thorough and involved process, with an emphasis on gathering and sharing information about the individual’s specific needs and the capabilities of the dog. The video highlights the importance of the bond between the individual and their service dog, and the supportive community that comes with being part of the MobilityDog program. It offers insight into the process of finding the right service dog and the life-changing impact that a well-matched dog can have on someone with mobility challenges.

Video “MobilityDog's Vetting Process with Denise” was uploaded on 09/19/2023 by Mobility Service Dogs- West Coast Project Youtube channel.