Despite growing skepticism in the Democratic party, Biden plans to resume campaigning next week

Despite growing skepticism in the Democratic party, Biden plans to resume campaigning next week

President Joe Biden is set to return to the campaign trail next week, despite growing skepticism within the Democratic party about his ability to win reelection in 2024. Despite a week of campaign stops and interviews where he has insisted he is the best candidate to defeat Republican Donald Trump, some Democrats remain unconvinced.

There is a push within the party for Biden to step aside and allow a new, more energized candidate to take the lead. Many Democrats feel that Biden’s efforts to revive his reelection bid have fallen short, and they are looking for someone who can excite voters and bring a fresh perspective to the campaign.

With skepticism growing, it remains to be seen if Biden can overcome the doubts within his own party and secure the Democratic nomination for the 2024 election. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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Video “Biden to return campaigning next week despite growing skepticism in the Democratic party” was uploaded on 07/20/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English