Developers Warn Ontario Housing Slump Will Worsen Before Improving

Developers Warn Ontario Housing Slump Will Worsen Before Improving

Ontario’s housing market is facing a significant downturn, with developers warning that the situation is only going to worsen before it improves. Despite promises from the Ford government to build 1.5 million new homes in a decade to address the housing crisis, the construction industry is currently experiencing a slowdown due to a variety of factors.

The number of housing starts in the first half of 2024 has declined compared to the previous year, with a significant 44-per cent drop year-on-year in June. This trend is concerning, as new home sales are also falling, potentially indicating a further decrease in home construction in the near future.

As Ontario grapples with this housing slump, it is clear that urgent action is needed to revitalize the construction industry and meet the demand for housing in the province. Despite the challenges faced by developers, it is crucial for the government and stakeholders to work together to find solutions to this pressing issue.

The current state of Ontario’s housing market serves as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing challenges in the construction industry promptly. With the situation expected to deteriorate before any signs of improvement, it is essential for all parties involved to collaborate and take decisive actions to stimulate the housing sector and ensure that the province’s housing needs are met.

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Video “Ontario housing slumps, developers warn situation will “get worse” before improving” was uploaded on 07/29/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News