Director of Al-Shifa Hospital in Israel, held captive and abused for months, finally released

Director of Al-Shifa Hospital in Israel, held captive and abused for months, finally released

The director of Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital, Dr. Muhammad Abu Salmiya, has finally been released after enduring months of captivity and abuse at the hands of Israeli forces. Along with other medical staff who were taken while treating patients, Dr. Abu Salmiya has described the horrific treatment they faced while in detention.

The release of Dr. Abu Salmiya and his colleagues sheds light on the ongoing human rights violations faced by Palestinians in Gaza. The fact that medical professionals, who are supposed to be neutral and protected by international law, were targeted and mistreated is a grave violation of humanitarian norms.

The ordeal faced by Dr. Abu Salmiya and others at al-Shifa Hospital serves as a reminder of the challenges and risks faced by medical professionals in conflict zones. It is essential for the international community to hold those responsible for these violations accountable and ensure the protection of all civilians, including medical personnel, in times of conflict.

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Video “Al-Shifa Hospital director held by Israel and beaten for months, now free” was uploaded on 07/01/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English