Discovering the Secret Passageways Within the World’s Largest Pyramidal Structure – Video

Discovering the Secret Passageways Within the World’s Largest Pyramidal Structure – Video

Exploring The Tunnels Inside The Largest Pyramidal Structure On Earth takes us on a fascinating journey underneath the Cholula pyramid in Mexico. This tunnel network, at least 10 kilometers in scale, reveals the massive foundation of the pyramid structure, which is actually modern and not ancient. The tunnels were used to expose the original foundation of the pyramid, as there are two pyramids built on top of the original one.

The Cholula pyramid, with a footprint larger than the Great Pyramid in Egypt, is considered the largest pyramidal structure in the world. Built by the chka culture around 200 BC, the pyramid complex was later colonized by Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortez, who slaughtered the native people and built a church on top of the sacred structure to assert dominance.

The design of the pyramid, resembling that of Teotihuacan near Mexico City, includes incredible acoustics that were used by the high priest for orations. The complex’s acoustic nature, influenced by engineers and architects from Teotihuacan, has stood the test of time despite being in ruins.

This video provides a unique glimpse into the history and architecture of the Cholula pyramid, shedding light on the complex relationship between ancient civilizations, colonialism, and sacred structures.

Watch the video by Brien Foerster

Video “Exploring The Tunnels Inside The Largest Pyramidal Structure On Earth” was uploaded on 06/11/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Brien Foerster on Gretopia