Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, is not only celebrated in India but is increasingly gaining popularity across the globe. This year, toymaker Mattel took notice of this trend and unveiled a Barbie doll to coincide with the festivities of Diwali. The co-creator of the doll, Anita Dongre, shared her thoughts on the significance of Diwali and the inspiration behind the creation of the special Barbie doll.
The celebration of Diwali outside India is a testament to the cultural influence and significance of the festival. In countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and various parts of Europe, Diwali is not just a religious festival but has become a symbol of unity, joy, and light. The festival is embraced by people from different backgrounds, bringing communities together in a spirit of love and harmony.
The growing popularity of Diwali abroad reflects the increasing diversity and multiculturalism of societies around the world. As more and more people celebrate Diwali outside of India, the festival serves as a bridge that connects different cultures and promotes understanding and acceptance.
The Barbie doll by Mattel is just one example of how Diwali is being embraced globally. As the festival continues to spread its message of hope and positivity, it reminds us of the power of light in overcoming darkness and uniting people from all walks of life.
Watch the video by FRANCE 24 English
Video “Diwali goes abroad: Festival of lights increasingly celebrated outside India • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 10/23/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
I can't find 'French Connections' anywhere …
Diwali is a Hindu festival. Don't spread false information. About firecrackers, i just wanted to check with everyone that on new year's eve when everyone burst firecrackers does those firecrackers purify the air ????
in delhi the capital city we cant celeberate diwali beacuse of delhi govt failed approach of pollution they are ruining hindu festivals and only ban crcakers
1:00 so fire cracker create air pollution but war are nature friendly 🤣
great, they could not find a Hindu to talk about Diwali! Just look at how he is reading off a sheet, what a disgrace. might as well have asked chatgpt, would have saved the travel fare for this DW guy
Firecrackers should be ban patient of heart have problems with sound and smog
I agree, everyone celebrates the festival of lights. While the North India celebrates Diwali, the South India celebrates Deepawali. Yes, it is not only celebrated in India, it is also celebrated outside the country, in other countries, just like our caste system.
Happy Diwali
Western media on India;
Odd days; Modi's India is growing and Diwali is greatest fastival of unity and peace
Even days; Modi is Hindu fascist and Hinduism is wicked religion.
It's all BRICS impact 😂😂😂
As Hindus we also celebrate Christmas 😊
We still have to use the word India instead of Hindu, because otherwise…
Gambling part is Propoganda of this guy
Rafel deal making french… Happy diwali 😂
Bcoz indian public is increasing like a rapid fire in abroad.😪
Did he just said Diwali is celebrated by Christian and Muslims in India 😂😂😂
I mean Hindus celebrates Chrismas and Eid in many parts of India for sure but not sure the other way around.
Everyone should celebrate each others festival as if get chance to participate… That will make our world peaceful and Prosper..🎉
I think for the first time ,france24 discussed India in some positive view.
All eyes on Modi & xinping summit
Diwali is Hindu festival 🎎🥮🎎 but celebrates every religion, every country 🙏🕉️🙏
Happy diwali 🎉🕉️🕉️🚩🚩
🪔 ❤
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Deepawali also called Diwali should be a universal festival 🥮. It embodies removing darkness and prosperity to all,our world need it now more than ever before.