Donald Trump hosts a MAGA rally in Las Vegas – LIVE

Donald Trump hosts a MAGA rally in Las Vegas – LIVE

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump hosted a MAGA rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, rallying his supporters ahead of the 2024 US presidential election. Despite facing a narrow polling lead from Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, Trump’s energetic speech energized the crowd and focused on key campaign promises from his previous presidential run.

During the rally, Trump addressed important issues such as immigration reform, national security, and the economy, reaffirming his commitment to putting America first. The event showcased his strong connection with his base, who cheered and chanted in agreement with his statements.

With less than two months until the election, both Harris and Trump are ramping up their campaigns, with Harris holding a slight lead in the polls but facing challenges in winning over swing states. The electoral college remains close, making the outcome of the election uncertain.

The rally in Las Vegas demonstrated Trump’s ability to draw a large crowd and maintain high levels of enthusiasm from his supporters. As the race heats up, both candidates are expected to continue engaging with voters and promoting their respective platforms in an effort to secure victory in November.

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Video “LIVE: Donald Trump hosts MAGA rally in Las Vegas” was uploaded on 09/14/2024 to Youtube Channel The Times and The Sunday Times