Russian-born entrepreneur and founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been arrested in France. The French judicial authorities have extended his detention as they investigate allegations against him.
Durov, who was born in Russia but renounced his citizenship in 2013, has been a prominent figure in the tech world for his creation of Telegram, a messaging app known for its focus on privacy and security. The app has gained popularity around the world, including in countries where internet censorship is common.
It is unclear at this time what specific allegations Durov is facing in France, but his detention indicates that the authorities are taking the matter seriously. Durov has been known for his outspoken views on privacy and free speech, which has sometimes put him at odds with governments.
The arrest of Durov has sparked concern among his supporters and users of Telegram, many of whom value the app for its commitment to protecting user data. The situation is still developing, and it remains to be seen how it will impact both Durov personally and the future of Telegram.
For now, Durov remains in detention as the investigation continues. It is a significant development in the tech world and one that will be closely watched by many around the globe.
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Video “Russian-born Telegram founder Durov arrested in France • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 08/26/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
They prosecute him for his visionary of the crypto currencies like TON. The government is afraid we can become independent with this new currency, hence not controllable by the state
So much for free speech and freedom of expression. Macron is a hyprocrite.
La honte… dans et par le pays qui se prétend porte drapeau de la liberté d'expression…
He left Russia because he refused to comply with Russia's demands to share VK users information. Now the west acts like Russia to get the Telegraph users information, but France uses a pretext to cover its political motive.
Saying Telegram is Dubai based is misleading. The servers are all still in Russia.
CIA wants to read your messages, thats the reason. Dude ran away from Russia for the same reason. Oh the irony to be "detained" by the West.
Human rights for you France
Arrested for free speech
Doesn't matter where he was born- he is a French citizen and if he committed criminal acts then he should be held responsible.
We are with you , free pavel , it should not be banned
You wrote Krelmin instead of Kremlin… what?
Now we know we are being spied on everywhere except TG which will now change. Gland the only thing I post is that the end finally arrived for all enslavers, colonizers, occupiers, plunderers, rapist. They’ll melt in imminent nuke war say Jehovah Yahweh. Repent y’all
Vichy France