Elder Scrolls Online: ‘Gaming as a woman can be lonely, but not in ESO’

Elder Scrolls Online: ‘Gaming as a woman can be lonely, but not in ESO’

In a recent video by BBC News, three female streamers, KayPOWXD, GeekyCassie, and Dawnwhisper, shared their experiences of gaming in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). Despite the stereotype of gaming being a lonely activity for women, these streamers highlighted the strong sense of community within ESO that has kept them engaged for years.

With over 24 million players and $2 billion in revenue since its launch over a decade ago, ESO has proven to be a popular and enduring game. Kay, who was introduced to gaming by her father and has been playing ESO since its inception, emphasized the close-knit community of long-term players who refer to themselves as the “ESO fam.”

The streamers praised the inclusive and welcoming nature of the ESO community, where players come together to share their passion for the game and support one another. This sense of camaraderie has helped to combat the loneliness that some women may feel in the gaming world, demonstrating that ESO is a place where all players can feel valued and connected.

As more women continue to make their mark in the gaming industry, stories like those of KayPOWXD, GeekyCassie, and Dawnwhisper serve as a reminder that gaming can be a source of empowerment and community for everyone, regardless of gender. Subscribe to the BBC News channel for more insightful content on ESO and other gaming topics.

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Video “Elder Scrolls Online: ‘Gaming as a woman can be lonely, but not in ESO’ | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/18/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News