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Video “Elon Musk Announces Under $314 Tesla Phone FINALLY HIT The Market! All You Need To Know HERE. MIX” was uploaded on 02/23/2025 to Youtube Channel ADAM TECH
Where can I get one? Senior how long will it last? I have had to get a new one every other year. Lord bless you Elon,
When it is going to be launched in India and at which price range? What is the screen size and in how many models? Does it include stylus pen? Since Starlink is not here in our country will Tesla PI phone still get connected with Starlink? I liked the idea of making affordable mobile phones without compromising the quality. On the contrary it is feature rich and far ahead than its immediate competitors and I am sure it will be a game changer and revolutionize the industry. I also liked the idea of solar charging system. It is sustainable and echo friendly too. It might have extensive network of service centres and very cheap service charges where it can put another challenge to it's competitors. Hope the offer price at this price range is not an introductory gimmick and will continue in the years to come.
I am strongly considering this phone.
I want this phone. I’m sick of Apple.
How soon can I buy one and where will I purchase it?
Like both
Good nice
Com'on, man? Is this for real? Or just playing with us? It sounds too good to be true!
How about changing from iPhone to Pi phone: Smooth transition of all the configuration details and personal data, like iPhone offers?
Yesss !!!
yes… im getting the phone, cant wait
When can we get it in Canada.?
Yes I would uy it, when will it be in Shediac, N.B Canada
How much per months?
1 can’t wait to buy one
I want everything elon musk I wish I could b so blessed as to know how to use all of it…
I'm so sick and so old and have no body…I never ha chance from the day I was born May 19 !!!!!

Thank you! Sir Adam Tech