The anticipation surrounding Tesla’s affordable car, the Tesla Model 2, has been a hot topic for years. Recently, there have been rumors circulating about whether the car has been canceled or if it is still in production. In a surprising turn of events, Elon Musk has made a major U-turn on the Model 2, confirming that the $25,000 car is still on track for a Q1 2025 release. This announcement has brought relief to investors and customers who have been eagerly waiting for this game-changing vehicle. Stay tuned to see what the future holds for the Tesla Model 2, as Elon Musk continues to make waves in the automotive industry. Subscribe to Tesla Car World for the latest updates on this exciting development! #teslacarworld #teslacar #teslamodel2 #elonmusk #affordablecar #electricvehicles
Watch the video by TESLA CAR WORLD
Video “It Happened! Elon Musk Makes Major U-turn On Tesla Model 2! Canceled Or Still On the Production?” was uploaded on 02/02/2025 to Youtube Channel TESLA CAR WORLD
Are the tires going to be made out of a different rubber? Cars are dangerous from the Micro-rubber pollution. Tesla is just as bad as all the others
Elon Musk is one of the fallen angels/ demons that got kick out from heaven for their rebellion. A lot of them are in this generation ( celebrities, politicians, scientists) Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
The best way to react to Elon is to believe it when you can touch it. Words and timetables and prices mean nothing.