“Embracing Pride from an Aerial Perspective (Full Episode) | National Geographic” – Video

“Embracing Pride from an Aerial Perspective (Full Episode) | National Geographic” – Video

"Celebrating Pride From Above is a breathtaking aerial journey across the globe that provides a unique perspective on LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations like never before. From colorful parades to powerful protest marches, this full episode from National Geographic captures the essence of Pride events worldwide. As flying cameras soar over majestic falls, through bustling city streets, and across vast mountain ranges, viewers are immersed in the beauty and diversity of Pride celebrations. From Sydney’s vibrant Mardi Gras to the illuminations of Niagara Falls, from the historic roots of Pride in New York City to the progressive movements in Taiwan and Mozambique, this episode showcases the resilience, joy, and unity of the LGBTQ+ community. Through art, activism, and communal gatherings, Pride events serve as a beacon of hope and a call for equality for all LGBTQ+ individuals. Join us on this extraordinary journey as we celebrate Pride from above and honor the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights around the world.**"

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Video “Celebrating Pride From Above (Full Episode) | National Geographic” was uploaded on 06/01/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by National Geographic on Gretopia