EU criticizes Bangladesh for using ‘excessive force’ against student protesters

EU criticizes Bangladesh for using ‘excessive force’ against student protesters

The European Union has condemned the use of “excessive force” by authorities in Bangladesh against student protesters. The protests, which have been ongoing for several days, are in response to a recent bus accident that killed two students in Dhaka.

Students have been demanding safer roads and better transportation infrastructure in the country, which has one of the highest rates of road accidents in the world. The protests have escalated in recent days, with reports of security forces using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowds.

The EU has called on the government of Bangladesh to respect the right to peaceful assembly and to investigate allegations of excessive use of force. The EU’s statement comes as human rights organizations and media outlets have reported on the violent crackdown on protesters.

The use of force against peaceful protesters is a violation of international human rights standards and the government of Bangladesh must be held accountable for their actions. The EU’s criticism highlights the need for authorities to address the concerns of the protesters and to ensure that their rights are respected.

The situation in Bangladesh remains tense as students continue to demand justice for the victims of the bus accident and for safety reforms in the country’s transportation system. The international community, including the European Union, plays a crucial role in holding governments accountable for their actions and in upholding human rights.

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