EU study reveals Jews are experiencing a ‘wave of antisemitism’ in Europe

EU study reveals Jews are experiencing a ‘wave of antisemitism’ in Europe

A recent survey conducted by the European Union has found that a staggering 75 percent of Jews living in Europe feel they are being held responsible for the actions of others. The study paints a disturbing picture of the rise of antisemitism in Europe, with many Jewish individuals reporting feeling targeted and discriminated against.

The findings of the survey point to a disturbing trend of intolerance and prejudice towards the Jewish community in Europe. Many respondents reported experiencing hateful comments, threats, and even physical attacks. This wave of antisemitism has left many Jews feeling fearful and marginalized in their own communities.

The survey also highlighted the impact of antisemitism on the mental health and well-being of Jewish individuals. Many reported feeling anxious, stressed, and fearful for their safety on a daily basis. This pervasive sense of insecurity is deeply troubling and underscores the urgent need for action to combat antisemitism in Europe.

As the findings of the survey make clear, antisemitism is a very real and present danger in Europe. It is imperative that governments, civil society organizations, and individuals come together to condemn and combat this hateful ideology. Only by standing united against antisemitism can we hope to create a more inclusive and tolerant society for all.

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Video “EU study found Jews facing ‘wave of antisemitism’ in Europe | DW News” was uploaded on 07/12/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News