Everything Revealed in 2 Minutes at OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o Spring Update Event – Video

Everything Revealed in 2 Minutes at OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o Spring Update Event – Video

OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o Spring Update Event: Everything Revealed in 2 Minutes

OpenAI recently unveiled its latest flagship model, GPT-40, during the Spring Update Event. This new model boasts GP4-level intelligence, but with enhanced speed and improved capabilities across text, vision, and audio. The desktop app is now available for ChatGPT, allowing users to seamlessly integrate it into their workflow from anywhere.

The aim of GPT-40 is to provide users with a natural and effortless interaction experience, focusing on collaboration rather than the user interface. This upgraded model enables native interactions across voice, text, and vision, offering incredible efficiencies and bringing GP4-class intelligence to all users, including the free tier.

One of the exciting features of GPT-40 is its Vision functionality, which allows users to upload screenshots, photos, and documents containing text and images for conversations with ChatGPT. From telling bedtime stories to real-time translation and interpreting emotions from selfies, the possibilities with GPT-40 are endless.

Overall, OpenAI’s ChatGPT-40 Spring Update Event revealed a cutting-edge model that enhances user experience and interaction capabilities across various mediums, promising a more seamless and efficient AI collaboration experience for all users.

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Video “OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o Spring Update Event: Everything Revealed in 2 Minutes” was uploaded on 05/14/2024 to Youtube Channel CNET