In a thought-provoking episode of the “60 Minutes: A Second Look” podcast, the question of who truly owns history is explored through the lens of two poignant stories. In 2002, correspondent Ed Bradley traveled to Greece and England to cover the ongoing debate surrounding the return of marble statues taken from the Parthenon by the British Museum centuries ago. Fast forward to 2023, and Anderson Cooper investigates the controversy surrounding looted antiquities from Cambodian temples housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The crux of the matter lies in the complex issue of ownership and restitution when it comes to ancient artifacts. As Cambodian activists push for the return of stolen treasures, the deadlock between the British Museum and Greece highlights the enduring struggle in determining rightful ownership of historical artifacts. This podcast episode delves into the evolving perspectives on museum ethics and the repatriation of cultural heritage, asking whether it is time to redefine the way we perceive ownership of ancient art.
Join the conversation on the “60 Minutes: A Second Look” podcast as it navigates through these compelling narratives, shedding light on the complexities of cultural heritage preservation in our modern world. Subscribe to the podcast and explore the fascinating debates surrounding the ownership of history.
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“60 Minutes,” the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen’s Top 10.
Video “Who Owns History? | A Second Look Podcast” was uploaded on 10/29/2024 to Youtube Channel 60 Minutes
History is owned by slaves
It doesn’t matter how long somethings been in a place if you took it without permission, it is stolen and you should return it. If it was you and it was something in another country and it was a British artifact of some sort you would demand that would be returned to you, I am sure of that
Stolen artifacts
Give these treasures back to their true owners.
Can't get passed the endless advertising…. YouTube gone mad with greed.
History does not have an owner; Textbooks reveal ….. and Documentaries too
There is no question about it, it belongs to Greece, so hand it back.
You mean who owns the “CircaTree”?
2 Yuk a Duck Trump Who Owns History? | A Second Look Podcast
Where are the Kamala Harris interview transcripts?
They belong to the nation of origin.
‘A second look’ but no visuals…
Ok people! I just looked up on how part of Greece art was taken. It shows that some of Greece leaders had sold some of its art to Scotland. This is now Scotland property to sell to Britain. I think Greece and Britain should discuss purchasing the art. Although it's Greece art some of their leaders chose to sell or let go of the art. Then it's up to the new leaders to discuss reclaim the art by purchasing what they desire to have back home. I know it's sad but if it was not stolen by British people then you can't pressure them to just hand them over.
After the VP interview, how do I trust anything 60 Minutes is saying. Your Credibility is gone.