Exciting Update from Hope For Paws! 🚑🐶❤️‍🩹😺 – Video

Exciting Update from Hope For Paws! 🚑🐶❤️‍🩹😺 – Video

Super exciting news here at Hope For Paws!!! 🚑🐶❤️‍🩹😺

Exciting news at Hope For Paws as they unveil their brand new 7,000 square foot Animal Hospital which will serve as their primary care facility for rescued animals. Founder, OT, gives viewers a sneak peek into the state-of-the-art facility which includes multiple isolation rooms, a lab, a cat room, treatment area, pharmacy, surgical suites, X-ray facilities, and more. As a non-profit organization, Hope For Paws relies on donations from supporters to continue their life-saving work. With the new hospital, they aim to provide the best possible care to animals in need and increase their rescue efforts. OT expresses gratitude to all the donors who have made this project possible and invites viewers to join in their mission of saving animals in distress. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development at Hope For Paws!

Watch the video by Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

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Video “Super exciting news here at Hope For Paws!!! 🚑🐶❤️‍🩹😺” was uploaded on 06/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel