In the sci-fi action thriller “FINAL TRANSIT,” directed by an unknown filmmaker and starring Heather Brooke, Ray George Young, and Erin Miracle, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey as several people find themselves in a dream of sudden success, only to be abruptly awakened by the Mutant Underground. Now faced with surviving the first wave of an alien invasion, they must race against time and battle against unknown forces to ensure their survival.
With a TV-MA certificate, this intense and gripping film is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats with its combination of action, mystery, and suspense. The stellar cast delivers riveting performances, and the unknown director’s vision brings the story to life with stunning visuals and a captivating storyline.
“FINAL TRANSIT” promises to be a must-watch for fans of sci-fi and action movies, offering a unique and thrilling viewing experience. Stay tuned for more exciting films from the sci-fi genre on the Sci-Fi CHANNEL, where a new movie is released every day.
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Video “FINAL TRANSIT 🎬 Exclusive Full Sci-Fi Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 08/19/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
Sick of stupid movies so unsubscribed !!!! Post a decent movie and I might find it worth subscribing again.. this is just complete rubbish .
stupid movie
Sooo dark…
Sooo slow…
What a fkn pointless movie that was. Don’t recommend
Bull Shit, the only way to make money is hard working.
Just how did a bunch of people manage to make a movie where every element is utterly devoid of aptitude. That is really special – everything we see, hear is the worst ever! Even the walking and running is terribly done, even before the actors say anything, thoroughly devoid of ability.. Must have taken some effort to make a movie so utterly nul, dull, a total waste!
Could not make it past 20 minutes of the movie.
So, where are the Aliens!?!
Trash bags It😮😮😮😮👀👀👀👀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
So is this just all narrative?
If this is how the whole movie is the very beginning to the end I can't watch it
Boring! Crap
Waisting time
Do not waste your time . This is a shit movie.
Boring movie got 1k likes 😊
हिन्दी मे अनुवाद करें
Boring 😴
No no. Just boring
Why do I have a feeling this is not an interesting movie
Totally crap
Pointless Movie.
মোঃ আকাঁশ খানঁ
Judging by the thumbnail this is one of those flicks that has absolutely nothing to do with scantily clad beautiful Sci-Fi women warriors with kinky powers.
Finally! Worse actors than me! (I ran the lights for a HS play.)
How,to still knoleg–with reiping
हिन्दी में
Its an independent film
Please what is the name of this movie
After 5 minutes into the video, I ran outside to watch the grass grow,