Deep in the heart of the Siberian wilderness lies a mysterious phenomenon known as the Batagaika “megaslump.” This massive crater, which measures over half a mile in diameter and continues to grow at an alarming rate, serves as a stark reminder of the devastating effects of global warming on the world’s permafrost regions.
A recent study published in the Journal of Geomorphology has shed light on the underlying cause of the Batagaika megaslump’s expansion. The researchers found that rising temperatures, due to human-induced climate change, are responsible for the accelerated thawing of the permafrost in the region.
Permafrost, which is frozen ground that remains below 0°C for at least two consecutive years, acts as a giant freezer storing organic matter, methane, and ancient ice. As temperatures increase, the permafrost begins to thaw, causing the ground to sink and collapse, creating massive craters like the one at Batagaika.
The consequences of the megaslump’s expansion are far-reaching. Not only does it pose a threat to local infrastructure and communities, but it also releases large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, further exacerbating the problem of global warming.
As the Batagaika megaslump continues to grow and other permafrost regions around the world face similar challenges, scientists are racing against time to better understand the complex interactions between climate change and permafrost thaw. Only by taking urgent action to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impacts of global warming can we hope to prevent the further destruction of these vital ecosystems.
Watch the video by FRANCE 24 English
Video “Gateway to the underworld: Permafrost ‘megaslump’ in Siberia is expanding • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/16/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
Just in case anyone didn't understand plants eat carbon Dioxide. And they're growth increases within carbon dioxide.
Luckily we have climate change deniers convincing us that there is nothing going on. So comforting.
O yes, that’s why we had Northern Lights in New York, Toronto, and even California, “global warming”!!! Last time it was about 50 years ago. Periodic sun activity.
Bad news, without discussion actions to take…
The pensioners in the U.K. will be living in Permafrost all winter due to the collapse in the UK…
The simple, URGENT message for the world. This was caused by DEFORESTATION. Plant trees and re-wild woodlands as if your life depended on it, because it does
countries fighting over the black goo
So many species have had their time after coming out of this spinning irregular sphere and have since become extinct. The Earth will transform, new forms of life will thrive and things will happen. You're born… you die. Deal with it. Trying to control nature (or the nature of human beings) has, as history repeatedly reminds us, been futile. These comments around beating people insufferably with the stick of virtue does little but divide, antagonise and make people defensive.
No amount of money or green taxes are going to fix this as its just an earth cycle , humans are about as significant as a grain of sand is to a beach in the whole scheme of this planet and it will keep on evolving
Meanwhile BLM and religion of “peace” scums are busy with creating terrors amongst humanity
I looks like a stingray
Human effect on the hype of global warming is 1 percent or less. The planet does regulate changes that humans have no influence or control over such as the very possible stalling of the Atlantic Gulfstream which would plunge much of the Eurasia continent into artic conditions. The drastic drop in temperatures at the latter half of the 1600s that staved and killed millions is a prime example. The sun is at solar maximum is producing massive amounts of energy at this time and is 90 plus percent responsible for warming. Most of the propaganda is by politicians and journalists with questionable knowledge and intelligence and have an agenda. To many scientists and experts are on the government payroll and they will not get funding if they don't follow the narative. Some are evil opportunist like Fauci.
Why should 'permafrost' hold 'twice a much carbon'. There is no logic or science to that argument whatsoever. It was deforestation that caused this not climate change as stated in the piece. Stop wetting your knickers over something it isn't.
Exceptionally articulate and accurate Julia, many thanks
I don't believe this.
Thank you french public broadcasting for news, as an american its been rough.
Here we are with Russia conducting wars, how much do the Russian's care about this during a 40% GDP war footing and a failing economy? Are Human's committing suicide with our Earth?
Global bs
permafrost melting, who called it permafrost then?!
Climate changed
Good explanation, thank you.
Reading a script, or is she a scientist?
Result of increased geothermal activity
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Greenhouse effect impossible reversal of second law of thermodynamis, in an open system, lwhich is our atmosphere.
This disinformation is designed to stampede you folks.
What a blur fake photo so called took in 1991😂, just to convince many on your claim of climate change 😅
We are still in an ice age, known as the Quaternary Ice Age, which began around 2.58 million years ago. An ice age is defined as a period in Earth's history when ice sheets and glaciers are present, particularly at the poles. Currently, we are in an interglacial period (the Holocene), which is a warmer phase between glacial periods, but large ice sheets still exist in Antarctica and Greenland.
My source:The Geological Society of AmericaNational Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
🙌 hmm .. Good thing i just spent $70 to smog my truck 😣🙃
125,000 years ago the earth was hotter than it is today. Who caused that? 🙈🙊🙉
Oh so this is going to speed up climate change, but its great to do oil extraction and pull out dead animals, resting in peace that we thought never existed. Ok lady
There is no such thing as climate change. The narrative of global warming didn't work and know this deceiving notion is brought up.
So Russia is now is responsible for "Global Climate change". I guess it's Russia's turn to start creating EV's.
Sulfur burning makes the Gate to hell blue at night.
I think this is what Russia wants, it opens up the Artic Ocean for them and gives them untold amount of fertile farmland, natural gases, oil and mining…
Nice looking crack or hole
Scientist genius high IQ this is an advance warning that you will only die when you live outside our planet. The biblical word of our creator is very powerful! We are all witness all his prophecies in our times is being fulfilled.
Bring back the ice age !