I Tested Celebrity Owned Restaurants is a fun and exciting video where Jon Barr explores the dining establishments of famous celebrities like Lebron James, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Gordon Ramsay. Join Jon as he critiques the food, atmosphere, and service of these high-profile eateries to see if they live up to the hype.
If you’re a foodie or just enjoy trying out new and unique restaurants, this video is perfect for you. From delicious dishes to upscale ambiance, Jon gives an honest review of each celebrity-owned restaurant he visits.
Make sure to subscribe to Jon’s channel to help him reach his goal of 1 million subscribers. And don’t forget to check out the links in the description for deals on dining, NYC attractions, and even some awesome merchandise.
So grab a slice of pizza, sit back, and enjoy watching Jon explore the culinary world of celebrity-owned restaurants. Who knows, you might discover your new favorite dining spot!
Watch the video by Jon Barr
Video “I Tested Celebrity Owned Restaurants” was uploaded on 03/14/2025. Watch all the latest Videos by Jon Barr on Gretopia
Mon statut relationnel se situe quelque part entre "j'ai besoin d'un câlin" et "j'ai besoin qu'on me laisse tranquille avec mon goûter"😛
First comment
What?? You were in my neighborhood Fresh Meadows and I missed you!
A celebrity that actually 💪🏽 works at his own food joint besides Patty Labelle 👏🙌
Mark Wahlberg…Trump supporter you mean.
Good reviews
I've had Blaze. I like their cheese bread best. Wahlburgers is fine. I don't think anyone would think it was the best. Their tater tots are better than their fries.
Hey Jon my wife and I visited NYC two weeks ago, your subway tip was so helpful, we were able to navigate with ease thanks to you ! Thanks again and keep up the great work
Great clip with the Celebrity Owned Restaurants in NYC
Those definitely look like Angelo's seeded rolls. It's in the Italian Market in Philly. One of the best cheesesteaks in the city. Low key makes me mad that Bradley Cooper, who grew up just outside Philly, opened up a cheesesteak place in NYC. Then again, he would probably get roasted here for being a sell-out.
I went to Locanda Verde for pancakes and absolutely loved it. Great spot, a bit pricey but the experience is worth it. Maybe you go there @Here be Barr and meet Robert de Niro
Another great idea for a video! I think celebrity chains walk a strange path, not big enough to have the quality control of a huge chain & can't match the care & attention to detail of an independent who lives on reputation. Great video Jon!
Gordon Ramsay fish & chips are so expensive, they don’t even look that appetising to be honest. As a British person I’ve seen and tasted better fish&chips. Love your videos Jon.😁
I ate at the Wahlburgers in Coney Island, years ago, and it was the worst fast food I've ever eaten. The place makes White Castle look gourmet.
Very much enjoyed your video seems like the celebrity places either over priced or have disappointing results. Let reach one million subscribers
We had two Wahlbergers in Orlando and I know for sure that one is gone. I ate there once and I was not impressed. I also tried their burgers from the grocery store and they didn't impress me, either. We had one Guy Fieri's Chicken Guy that I know of and I think that's gone, too.
I can't believe you drove the way to garden city for bad food!
Hi Jon, you're taking your content up a level this year! I can't remember when I subscribed, I think a long time ago now. Really enjoying your stuff! Just one question: Who's Ronaldo? Is he some kind of soccer player?
Ahhh, also, just one other thing Jon. Guy gets really upset if you pronounce his surname as "fee-airy". You gotta say "fee-etty"…go figure..
I went to Chicken Guy yesterday. It was crowded enough when I went. Had the vanilla milkshake. Wish it was thicker. Make me work for it. I agree with the minimally passable rating regarding the chicken.
Has anyone else been getting a less genuine vibe from the videos recently? Im not sure what it is, but jon feels more like an "influencer" than a regular guy in new york talking about the city, and i think that was his charm
This was an interesting video idea 💡
@1:29 she is beautiful!!!!! you should've got her number… for ur twin tho don't want ur wife to be mad lol
Bradley Cooper teamed up with someone? I guess that's a Cooper Union.
Not sure if he counts as a 'celebrity' to you guys, but visited Hamburger America last year when I visited NYC, and George Motz was on the counter grill, and often is. Great smashed onion burgers too. Will be back in NYC next weekend for 5 nights, from the UK.
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