Join me on a live exploration of Saigon, Vietnam on a Monday morning, streamed on March 3, 2025. Follow along as we discover the sights and sounds of this vibrant city. Please adhere to the live stream rules and guidelines to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Support the channel through various methods listed in the description. Don’t miss out on this exciting adventure through the streets of Saigon!
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About ActionKid
Video creator focused on point-of-view experiences and inspiring positivity around the world.
Video “Saigon, Vietnam LIVE Exploring Monday Morning (March 3, 2025)” was uploaded on 03/03/2025 to Youtube Channel ActionKid
4:37 Great starting point 27:54 Those vending machines seems too complicated ,at least you get one lol 1:00:22 Beautiful building 1:06:43 Notre Dame Saigon is still under construction 1:15:30 Deliberate collision 😁lol 1:21:34 Such a beautiful park😎 1:26:38 Morse coding with their honking😂 1:30:15 Super high end mall 1:34:23 Nice looking garden at the mall’s rooftop 1:35:18 And the view sure is great😎Thank you for sharing this enjoyable and relaxing morning walk in Saigon A K🙂👍!!!
16:45 Impressive footage of the dog crossing the street! 😲 27:00 HAHA, you got 2 drinks again except you had to pay this time. 😆 44:59 Aggressive drivers. 1:02:39 Vintage telephone booths are relics, and they are great spots to act silly. 😂 Thank you for braving through the heat and for this stream, AK! 🤗
great vlog with Vietnam exploring Saigon
Also NYC<->SGN. The city is much bigger than this area. Hopefully future trips of yours expands into the other hubs and districts. Unfortunately many places are not walkable. But Grab and Xanh SM taxi are very cheap and can allow you to hop around as needed. For me, I live in thu duc, or what was once district 2 until development expanded the area. Many other Americans and other transplants live on this side. Malls, parks, mix of cuisines and schools.
I missed this livestream today 3/3/25 because of time difference. I am replaying it now. Thanks Ak for exploring this
What a dominating start in Saigon AK!😎 Thanks for sharing that walk!😌🤗🥹😇
planning a trip to northern vietnam this May, this is getting me excited
Good morning! You're dressed much as I would have been when off-duty when I was stationed in Da Nang in1970. I will be enjoying this walk – at least I will be seeing some warmth – current temperature in New Hampshire is 4 F with knee-deep snow on the ground. Many thanks!
Wow, that roof top at the end is so nice! Very pretty. And the department store also looks great! Thanks for showing!
😂 1:03:09
The 😎 dog ever in Vietnam
Would like to see the rest of the districts
Tet or the new year is very expensive, but in return there's a special atmosphere, parks turned into flowers markets with flowers coming from all over the country, decorations, people dressed up and the rushes at wet markets and supermarkets like before Christmas. Christmas is just a day, but the weeks before Christmas are always the most memorable, Tet is the same, just a day to get together, but the weeks before that are all so magical. A lot of contents for Vietnamese youtubers before Tet, during Tet the streets are just quiet. If you get the chance come before Tet a week or 2 you will see and feel it.